
Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Desarrollo de productos gastronómicos a base de mortiño como una nueva oferta gastronómica
    (PUCE Ibarra, 2021-01) Vinueza Dávila, Juan José; Saltos Gordillo, Silvia Patricia
    En la variedad de productos que se utilizan para elaborar la amplia oferta gastronómica en el sector norte del Ecuador, particularmente en la ciudad de Ibarra, en contadas ocasiones se acude a la fruta de mortiño como opción adicional o base para la elaboración de platos de dieta diaria o de productos gastronómicos más elaborados y expendidos en sitios especializados como los restaurantes. Aun cuando existen ciertas evidencias del uso del mortiño en la comida tradicional imbabureña y que sus bondades nutricionales y curativas son vastas, este producto ha perdido espacio en las prácticas culinarias, de ahí que, el presente estudio postuló como propósito central la recuperación de la fruta para la elaboración de distintas opciones de comidas y bebidas a través de un recetario. El estudio se fundamenta en un marco teórico básico que recoge valiosa información sobre la evolución de la gastronomía; productos, oferta y tendencias gastronómicas; cocina ecuatoriana; evolución e identidad de la gastronomía; aspectos relativos al mortiño y en la parte final se hace referencia a las características de lo recetarios.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Proponer nuevas formas de consumo de la bebida autóctona de la ciudad de Otavalo (chicha del yamor), mediante su uso en el área de la repostería
    (PUCE Ibarra, 2020-01) Paida Flores, Luis Eduardo; Alarcón Estévez, Pablo Oswaldo
    La presente investigación trata sobre el estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un restaurante temático estilo gamer, el cual busca satisfacer las necesidades de los nuevos mercados nacientes gracias a la evolución tecnológica, dichos mercados han llegado a ser mal vistos por la sociedad actual y por ende no encuentran su sitio de confort. En la Era del siglo XX nace una terminología que se relaciona con las nuevas tendencias tecnológicas salientes en ese tiempo, los llamados “millennials” que son personas que nacieron y crecieron en un entorno de gran uso tecnológico; de este segmento sobresale el mercado “Cyber”, que son aquellos individuos amantes a la tecnología y sus servicios brindados, derivando a la creciente Era gamer. La presencia de los afamados juegos de video actualmente ha causado un impacto en la sociedad actual, pero aun así sigue siendo un segmento que no es tratado con la atención que merece. La gastronomía siendo una necesidad básica en los seres humanos no ha logrado satisfacer por completo las necesidades del mercado antes visto, según investigaciones antes realizadas, el segmento de mercado gamer no ha encontrado un sitio adecuando, resaltando que la creación de cibercafés era una posible solución. Para la creación de un Restaurante gamer se necesitaría métodos previos, los cuales facilitaran la investigación como son, método inductivo-deductivo que apoyo con la debida información pertinente, método analítico-sintético determinando la objetividad y estudio de la problemática y el método cualitativo-cuantitativo desarrollando un análisis del comportamiento del mercado tanto moral como financieramente. Para alcanzar la objetividad de los métodos, se determinó el uso de técnicas apropiadas para el sector, como son: encuestas, entrevistas y fichas de observación, las cuales dieron un resultado positivo tanto desde la acogida del supuesto local hasta el impacto en el mercado, contribuyendo con investigaciones previas, ya que la información es escasa, se espera mayor atención a servicios gastronómicos y turísticos de esta índole.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rescate de la alcaparra andina y sus preparaciones gastronómicas. Caso Parroquia Rural Cangahua, cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha
    (PUCE Ibarra, 2020-05) Ojeda de la Bastida, Gabriela Alejandra; Arroyo Mera, Dayané Mabel
    Referirse al agave americano andino, se desarrolla plenamente en la cordillera del callejón interandino del Ecuador, precisamente de forma más exuberante en la parroquia de Cangahua perteneciente al cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha es introducirse a información que datan desde hace muchos años, cabe recalcar que este lugar del país posee todas las condiciones geográficas perfectas para el desarrollo de esta variedad de penco o chawar como es conocido por los habitantes de la comunidad. Este trabajo de investigación se centra con exactitud a los usos gastronómicos de las flores de agave, las mismas que tardan aproximadamente 10 años en florecer; por lo cual de forma primaria se fabricó conservas caseras que permitieron prolongar su vida útil, seguidamente las mismas se emplearon en un recetario el cual está apegado a las nuevas tendencias gastronómicas vanguardistas. Gracias a un análisis sensorial realizado a un focus group de expertos se determinó la aceptabilidad en el ámbito gastronómico. Por otro lado esta investigación contribuye al rescate y la valorización de los capullos florales debido a que por una serie de factores esta costumbre culinaria de consumirlas se ha reducido con el paso del tiempo, información que es sustentada en encuestas y entrevistas, evidencian que los deliciosos quirillos provenientes de la planta de las mil maravillas deben ser considerados como patrimonio biocultural y alimentario del país dado que están íntimamente inmersas en la cultura, espacio geográfico, naturaleza, saberes tradicionales y gastronomía.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Manual de buenas prácticas de manufactura de alimentos en el centro ecológico Hábitat Forest en la Comunidad el Puerto
    (PUCE Ibarra, 2021-03) Núñez Jiménez, Alvaro Javier; Saltos Gordillo, Silvia Patricia
    Las Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura (BPM) de los alimentos son procedimientos que se deben considerar para obtener y asegurar la calidad en los productos terminados y principalmente la salud de los consumidores. Estas medidas se deberán aplicar rigurosamente en todos los procesos de elaboración y manipulación de alimentos pues son una herramienta fundamental para la obtención de productos inocuos. Constituyen un conjunto de principios básicos que tienen por objetivo garantizar que los alimentos sean seguros para el consumo humano. La investigación se propone elaborar un manual de buenas prácticas de manufactura para el restaurante Centro Ecológico Hábitat Forest, con el fin de minimizar deficiencias sanitarias e higiénicas a través de la aplicación de normativas referentes a la seguridad alimentaria, un diagnóstico del personal responsable de la manufactura de alimentos, el uso de implementos y el correcto uso de manual. La investigación tiene un diseño metodológico con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, no experimental, de tipo descriptivo, de campo, documental y bibliográfico. La técnica aplicada en este estudio es la encuesta dirigida a 8 empleados y del Centro Ecológico Hábitat Forest y a una muestra poblacional de 100 clientes, con preguntas cerradas y de selección múltiple, para obtener información objetiva y confiable. A partir de los resultados, se propone mejorar la calidad de la oferta de alimentos que se sirven en el restaurante, la satisfacción de los usuarios y la imagen del Centro Ecológico Hábitat Forest, principalmente en el servicio de restaurante con la implementación inmediata de procedimientos que garanticen el adecuado manejo de los alimentos, las condiciones adecuadas de higiene, la imagen de los productos, la inocuidad de las operación es para contribuir a la salud, bienestar y protección de los clientes, por medio de la seguridad alimentaria, individual y colectiva, con la aplicación de las buenas prácticas de manufactura y demás requisitos establecidos en la normativa legal vigente.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rescate de la gastronomía indígena del cantón Otavalo, provincia de Imbabura, a través del diseño de un catálogo de las preparaciones gastronómicas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-11) Potosi Yama, Jenny Andrea
    The importance of preserving, over time, cultural aspects and customs has always been a continuous struggle by different entities, which try to motivate the processes to be maintained, that is why in the realization of this gastronomic catalog it is intended to contribute in this aspect, opting to maintain an approach to preserving their native recipes and that time is forgetting them in most cases. In order to be able to enter this change, it was necessary to know its roots and the continuous cultural shock that is presented in the sector, as well as the reasons for which these inconveniences arose in the case of their eating habits and the preparation of them, as reflects on the culture and its customs. It should be noted that Otavalo is a territory that allows you to know much of its culinary culture through its different events, such as the day of the deceased, marriages, the seasonal change festivities and the different thanks to the pacha mama and the tata inti entities that are very important in their culture. The realization of a catalog that favors cultural enrichment, was the starting point for the investigation, this was due to the fact that when entering into its culture we find preparations and cultural changes in its elaboration, therefore, it is necessary to document something they call memories, and in a certain way allow this retrospective memory to remind them of their beginnings and each of their shared moments next to the table, here the importance of a preparation that is not only based on placing ingredients but in allowing to give it a meaning. In order to carry out this process, the use of tools that contributed to the scope of the process was taken into account, among the materials used are: surveys of people knowledgeable about the subject and its change over time, direct observation of the preparation, rain of ideas with the recognized chefs of the sector and conversations with the natives of the area, who in turn contribute in the memory of the preparations and their traditions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Puesta en valor de la gastronomía ancestral de la ciudad de Otavalo a través de la herramienta del Gastro Mapping
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-03) Tituaña Santillán, Sisa Belén
    The present proposal in terms of valuing is focused in promoting the gastronomic culture and history belonging to Otavalo, city of Imbabura's province, as well as the ancient techniques using the technique called "mapping" as innovative strategy and of setting to the developed proposal, offering an attractive alternative in order to be able to offer the gastronomic ancient products equally along with the innovation and the modern technology. It begins with the approach of the current situation of the gastronomic sector of the canton and the issues that it crosses nowadays, given that Otavalo city is an icon of the national tourism, therefore it has gone a little falling down in a stagnation in the diversification of offers that promote the innovation, thus arise some questions that these will be able to be dissuaded along the research, especially; what behavior would have the demand before new modern alternatives?; how to offer a value added to the ancient gastronomy without losing its essence? The managing of the gastronomic ancient topic could be measured in consequence by the fieldwork that is going to shown, since it is important to promote the rescue of the know-how and customs of the town and its inhabitants, respecting the ethnic proper merger of this sector of the country, this will create a multimedia tool which forms and facilitates the knowledge transmission, same knowledge, that it has been passing from generation to generation as an oral tradition, and nowadays we want to shown and digitize it for the perpetuity, also being consistent with the changes that these could be generated by the culturalization of the society and that dynamic of human being.proper change. The gastro mapping tool will turn into a modern alternative, which it will allow to experience new sensations, doing our senses come to its total fullness.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Buenas prácticas de manufactura (BPM) del proceso de producción culinaria de los restaurantes que comercializan tilapia, en el barrio San Miguel de Yahuarcocha
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) De la Cruz Cacuango, Andrés Gustavo
    Provide confidence to the consumer at the time of eating food in the food industry is important, a well-known field are the good manufacturing practices and the process in which they must be executed, in such a way that it contributes to ensure the welfare of those who consume tilapia, having Awareness of the aforementioned, we proceeded to the realization of the manual by compiling multiple sources of information. We also identified the materials and methods used to obtain representative data that contribute to the research.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Propuesta para el fortalecimiento de la oferta gastronómica del mercado Santo Domingo de Ibarra
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-11) Mantilla Echeverría, José Andrés
    The Santo Domingo of Ibarra´s market is currently a place where people of all ages congregate, especially on weekends to share family time and consume the dishes prepared there, as well as being a place where few of the traditional preparations of the area are preserved. Like all markets, in the city of Ibarra it is a place where many of the products that are part of the food of the inhabitants of Ibarra and the other cantons of Ecuador that visit it are marketed, which make it an attractive potential gastronomic of the city. With the proper management and change processes that are required, this could be the beginning of the change in the approach that should be given to the city's markets so that they become much more competitive and meet quality standards that allow them to be sold as benchmarks of the gastronomy of the Canton. Since, the project presents examples of activities as strategies that, in the author's consideration, are best suited to strengthen the gastronomy of the market, which could be replicable to all markets in the province of Imbabura.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Plan de implementación de buenas prácticas de manipulación de alimentos para el complejo puente viejo de la ciudad de Ibarra
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-04) Obando Bosmediano, María José
    This research, makes a synthesis of the objectives and results obtained, highlighting the importance and necessity of food preparation establishments specifically the Old Bridge Complex of the city of Ibarra, in the formulation of a plan of good practices for food handling.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Elaboración de un recetario de repostería a base de chirimoya con técnicas vanguardistas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-11) García Gutiérrez, Katheryn Liliana
    Gastronomy is the relationship that exists between man with the way of feeding and the environment in which he develops taking into account the essential part that is food, over the years man shows how to go his food this means that there is a cultural, social and gastronomic development. This being a broad and diverse theme that explains the way in which food begins to the point of becoming a profession, time has witnessed the evolution of gastronomy by creating ideas, more practical ways to satisfy palates. The man plays a very important role since understanding and understanding the reason for cooking and food means that there are new and varied forms of preparation taking as a need and creating a surprise motivation in each discovery of new trends in gastronomy. The project aims to publicize the custard apple that is a fruit rich in benefits, the way to prepare desserts in which all its nutritional values will be used and thus the application of the different cutting edge techniques. In this way, a recipe book containing 12 cherimoya based elaborations is elaborated, in which the different avant-garde techniques used in each preparation are detailed.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rescate y difusión de mistelas de higo, mandarina y capulí para el fortalecimiento de la oferta gastronómica en bebidas tradicionales de la ciudad de Ibarra
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-06) Proaño Portilla, Pablo Renato
    The study is descriptive, documentary, which aims to strengthen the gastronomic culture Ibarreña by rescuing the traditional alcoholic beverage called Mistela, for the preparation of cocktails, vinaigrettes and sauces. We conducted a diagnostic investigation applied a survey to 82 guests of high-class hotels in the city of Ibarra, finding a high degree of ignorance in more than 80% of people, also conducted a survey of owners and managers of 9 hotels found that 90% did not know or had used the Mistela as an ingredient in its gastronomic offer. Four interviews were conducted for producers of Mistelas with the purpose of basing their preparation and autochthonous flavor. It was concluded that the Ibarreña population has forgotten the traditional mistela, which can be used for the preparation of different gastronomic products. To demonstrate this, a master class and a recess were performed
  • ItemOpen Access
    Propuesta de neurogastronomía aplicada a la carne de borrego asada a leña en el restaurante Waykos de la parroquia rural de La Esperanza provincia de Imbabura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-11) Enríquez Bolaños, Diego Jesús
    This research embraces the Neurogastronomy science in a community of Imbabura province; on the dates of Saturday, June 22 to Sunday, July 14 by a student of Administration in Gastronomic Companies with the aim of diversifying the offer of “Roast on firewood lamb meat” dish which is sold in the Wayko's restaurant in the rural parish “La Esperanza” through Neurogastronomy. Developing a quantitative and qualitative research, based on a descriptive model. It is applied experimental research methods and transactional non-experimental research, through the Dineserv model for quality, affective sensory analysis test sheets and preference for the menu which provided to gather the necessary information to develop the Neurogatronomic proposal. The most relevant results acquired during the process were the people relate a quality product with a quality service bilaterally, whether in an urban or rural area. However, the rural contributed to potentiate and complement their community, worldview, geography, culture and traditions. Through the tasting of several samples and the information collected in sensory analysis sheets, the respondents collaborated to generate the proposal to apply Neurogastronomy. The sensory gastronomic experiences are completed with external factors that were produced by various artistic expressions to get a final proposal focused on stimulating each sense in unexpected ways.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rescate de la identidad gastronómica de la parroquia de Caranqui para la ruta turística del último inca Atahualpa en la provincia de Imbabura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-11) Garces Guañuna, Doris Pamela
    This research is developed as a final requirement for obtaining the title of Engineering in Gastronomic Business Administration, counting in this way with the technical, theoretical and scientific contribution directed to society and in a more centralized way to the northern region of the country. The following research is an agreement that the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede - Ibarra (PUCE-SI) signed a few months ago with the Decentralized Government of Ibarra (GAD); In addition, there will be logistical and technical support from both the university and the Tourism Directorate of the Ibarra GAD to promote tourism in the city of Ibarra parish of Caranqui. For a better understanding of the reader, the final report of the research is structured into 4 chapters that are briefly described below. Chapter I is called "THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK" which consists of a documentary research on some relevant topics within the research such as: tourism, gastronomy, relationship between tourism and gastronomy, gastronomic route, strategies and types of strategies, gastronomic promotion, and Parish of Caranqui in the city of Ibarra. Chapter II referred to the diagnosis that included: antecedents, diagnostic variables, indicators, matrix of diagnostic relation, operative mechanics, population or universe, sample determination, surveys, FODA and finally the determination of the diagnostic problem. Chapter III is called the "PROJECT ENGINEERING", in which the proposed proposal is detailed; For this the following parameters have been considered: Introduction, objectives, thematic of the route, inventory of gastronomic enterprises of the parish of Caranqui. Chips of the gastronomic establishments, mapping of the attractions, hierarchy of the businesses of the parish of Caranqui. Attractions considered in the layout of the gastronomic route, description of the package, itinerary, route, description of the Tour, cost of the package, a gastronomic recipe from the parish of Caranqui, advertising video and promotion strategies. The last chapter, chapter IV, is "ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS", which contains areas such as social, economic, cultural, educational, tourist impact and last general impact. A matrix has been proposed and based on numerical indicators the levels of impacts by areas with their respective analysis were obtained; In addition to conclusions and recommendations with which culminates this investigation, additionally they consist annexes that enrich the contents developed in previous chapters. The research is made available to the university community and society to be witnesses and judges of a work that will become a reference and contribution for the tourism, hotel and gastronomic sector.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Propuesta de un programa de capacitación para la manipulación conservación de alimentos en el mercado municipal del cantón Pimampiro provincia de Imbabura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-03) Félix Tapia, Luis Erik
    The market of the Pimampiro canton presented a series of problems in the area of food, so it was necessary the application and implementation of a food handling and conservation program, aimed at merchants. This program intends to benefit the development of commercial activities in the market. The methodology applied in the following project has qualitative and quantitative characteristics developed through a survey, raised to the merchants, at the same time was executed a situational diagnosis of an analysis and a foda matrix. Allowing to identify the different problems and the lack of knowledge on the part of the merchants in relation to the subject of the investigation. Over time, the way to improve habits in handling and preserving food has been improved. Subsequently, was made an analysis of the effects that generates the training program in the municipal market of the Pimampiro canton.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rescate del mortiño como fruta ancestral de la provincia de Imbabura en la aplicación de cocteles
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2020-01) Antamba Cadena, Giovanny Israel
    Documentary research is developed that allows the theoretical and scientific basis of mortiño to be laid as an ancestral fruit of Imbabura through a theoretical framework. The engineering of the project is based on the elaboration of cocktails based on mortiño, the identity prevailing, in addition, creating new flavors to improve its acceptance and consumption. Taking into account that in the city of Ibarra there are no companies that offer this type of cocktails. A documentary investigation will be carried out that will allow the theoretical and scientific basis of mortiño to be laid as an ancestral fruit. A diagnosis will be made as to the current situation of the mortiño, its taxonomy, description and characteristic, climatic requirement, crops and uses. A recipe book will be created with cocktails based on mortiño and other liquors that will serve as a guide for future research. Finally, a technical analysis of the social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts generated by the proposal is presented.