
Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Inteligencia de mercados para la exportación de yogur de frutas de la empresa Lácteos Monteros, ubicada en Cayambe - Ecuador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-05) Méndez Flores, Loren Priscila
    The main objective of the company Lácteos Monteros is to develop products that promote well-being and better eating habits. All part of an idea whose main objective is to transcend through a line of integral products that in turn transform the culture and eating habits. The company is made up of a diverse work team sustained in friendship and trust, the company has been in the market for only 10 years, achieving great acceptance with the product. The main objective of this research is to determine a potential market for fruit yoghurt to which it can be exported. The intelligence of markets for the export of this product was carried out through the analysis of both exports and imports of fruit yoghurt worldwide, thus determining the country that imports the most of this product and in turn taking into account different important points for export as are the benefits of logistical, legal and geographical factors of the country of destination, obtaining as the most objective market for the product United States due to its high consumption rate in recent years of this product, in The financial study was defined indicators, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), cost benefit, margin of contribution and break-even point based on the information that was provided by the company LÁCTEOS MONTEROS of the city of Cayambe.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Modelo de asociatividad para la producción y exportación de vino elaborado a base de cacao del cantón San Lorenzo hacia el mercado de Ontario, Canadá
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-08) Molina Mina, María José
    The present work of degree consists of fulfilling the objective of elaborating a plan of cocoa wine export towards the province of Ontario, Canada previous to the creation of the association ASOCASA formed by producers of the Canton San Lorenzo, province of Esmeraldas¨, place in which the project will be developed. The cocoa sector of the canton of San Lorenzo is currently engaged in the production of national cocoa, foreigner and CCN for sale to intermediaries, which define the purchase price according to the market. In order to cover the need for development of the sector in the place, it was used the technique of interviews to the producers of the Calderón parish and Casa de Pobre for with the collected information, to know the failures and capacities of production of the sector in the zone that favor the elaboration of finished products. For the development of this project, the characteristics and attributes of the product will be evaluated, as well as those that the association intends to have for its opening to international markets. On the other hand, the tariff fraction in which the wine will be classified for international commercialization was determined. Likewise, for the export of the product, the proposal is presented to the market in Ontario, Canada the wine in bottles with a volume of 750ml, with the necessary adjustments of labeling according to the non-tariff requirements of the country under study. Within the analysis carried out with respect to the target market, the situation of the current wine sector in both countries is studied. Likewise, through a PESTEL analysis, the political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal situation of Canada is analyzed, aspects that will help to determine the possibility that the product will have of being accepted by the target market it is intended to reach and to establish the potential clients to which it will be directed. Within this study, a previous internal analysis was also carried out, called SWOT analyses this in relation to the cocoa sector of the canton, and it was determined which could represent the diagnostic problem for the operations of the association in the future. A general organization chart is proposed for the association and the description of the positions that will be considered in the administration, in addition, the production process by means of which the cocoa wine is obtained is captured in a graphical way. Finally, a study and financial development will be carried out with their respective projections based on the necessary investment for the creation of the association and introduction of the product to the target market.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Plan de exportación de cobijas sintéticas de la empresa ALY artesanías hacia Estados Unidos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-01) Aguilar Morales, William David
    The present research project, entitled, export scheme of synthetic blankets of the Aly handicrafts company to the United States, stems from the need that has the company as producer and marketer, to offer his product in international markets and thus can obtain greater revenue for the company. The main objective of the project is to determine the current situation of the company, i.e. If this accounts with the right conditions for the realization of the project, such as: sufficient and adequate machinery, staff and facilities for the production blankets synthetic, so to later export to the United States; Aly handicrafts company has a line of products that is manufactured on the basis of synthetic material used as raw material; the company supplies yarn and subsequently made the production of fabric with which manufactured various products that made the company. The export plan is a clear guide in which are defined all the relevant and necessary aspects to execute the exportation; this can be the shipment of a good, product o services to tirth countries by fulfilling all the requirements, standards, certification that the country of origin requires for the departure as the country of destiny demands for the entry To fulfill de research proyect primary and secondary information were collected trough surveys, censuses intrrviews, grabed information from texts, books, web sites as the Central Bank of Ecuador, Pro Ecuador, Trade map and its tools, among others. All this in order to gather together real information for the investigation. This research includes also the financial study part in where the finantial indicators are presented such as the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), the Net Present Value (NPV), among others wich helps to know if the project is profitable or not. The results of the financial indicators show that the project is profitable. With a IRR of 35.07% and a NPV of $ 39,374.13.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Creación de una empresa para la exportación de pitahaya roja desde el recinto las golondrinas, provincia de Imbabura, a la ciudad francesa Saint Just Luzac
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-06) Alvarez Zambrano, Geovanny Xavier
    In the present work of degree aims to develop the creation of a company dedicated to the export of red pitahaya from the Las Golondrinas site in the province of Imbabura, to the French market of Saint Just Luzac. The need for the development of this project was born with the aim of ending the existing monopoly of the demand for fruit in the local market, and at extremely low prices. It is intended to support all producers in the Imbabura area dedicated to the activity of sowing and harvesting red pitahaya, with the aim of internationalizing their products in the European market. It has taken into account the entry into the market of France, taking advantage of the Agreement Multipartes Ecuador - European Union, in which the pitahaya has 100% preference, and another important point, is the high interest that its inhabitants have for the consumption of exotic fruits with high nutritional values and low in sugar, which benefits their health, without neglecting its exquisite flavor, which places the red pitahaya, in the first places of consumption.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Propuesta para la importación de algodón peinado desde Lima - Perú, para la mejora productiva de la empresa medias Eltex de la ciudad de Atuntaqui
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-01) Cachiguango Maigua, Sami Liseth
    The present research work, titled: “Proposal for the import of combed cotton from Lima – Peru, for the productive improvement of the Medias Eltex company of the city of Atuntaqui”; arose from the need to conduct a search for foreign suppliers, in view of the lack of national supply of combed cotton yarn, with the purpose of improve the current quality of the products offered by the company mentioned above. The general objective of the research is to structure the project for the import of combed cotton from Peru, in order to improve the productivity of the Medias Eltex company, which can be executed through the change of raw material. In such a way that it’s possible to provide greater added value to the products (socks) currently produced. To accomplish with the previously mentioned, an investigation and collection of information was carried out through texts, scientific articles, virtual tools such as Trade Map, web sites of public entities such as the Servicio Nacional de Aduanas del Ecuador – SENAE, among others; to compile real data and carry out the present work. Also, this research involves the analysis of the economic variables developed in the financial study, which allows knowing the viability of the project, in which was obtained an Internal Rate of Return of 23,26% and an opportunity cost of 18,18%, that meaning, the project will be feasible for the Medias Eltex company.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Análisis del acuerdo multipartes entre Ecuador y la Unión Europea: sus posible impactos en el sector lácteo en la provincia de Imbabura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-11) Bonilla Vásquez, Johnny Ricardo
    The objective of this study is to analyze the Multipart Agreement between Ecuador and the European Union, in the dairy area, to see how optimal the signing of the Multipart Agreement with the European Union was, in this way to analyze the possible impacts in the economic area and social in the dairy sector of the Province of Imbabura. In turn, the current situation of the dairy sector in the province of Imbabura will be diagnosed in this way to know the reality of which the sector is in order to clarify the positive or negative impacts of the agreement. The theoretical proposal that David Ricardo explains that a country must specialize in what is more efficient is also taken into account for this study. These approaches are known as the Theory of Comparative Advantage, which is based on the differences between the productivity of both countries. Countries have the ability to generate wealth at the time of specialization but Ecuador being an underdeveloped country compared to the European Union that is with whom it has the agreement has a disadvantage, of course other sectors of production can benefit from this agreement being very productive and that way to be able to market their products, being competitive and productive, but in the case of dairy products it is necessary to analyze because this same sector in the European Union is subsidized, it generates that there is unfair competition and observe that in Ecuador the production Dairy is a sensitive sector. On the other hand, the country makes these agreements with the purpose of having profits and benefits in several aspects, so it must be taken into account that in order to benefit a country through international trade, its exports must be greater than its imports of In this way, there is free trade between nations, but it benefits because it has higher incomes or greater profits.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Plan de exportación de prendas de vestir bordadas a mano de la empresa Sisa Pakarina, hacia el mercado español
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-01) Cabascango Tabango, Cintya Pakarina
    Saint Louis of Otavalo located 110 kilometers from the city of Quito, district of Imbabura province declared as "intercultural the Ecuador capital" due to its richness cultural, scenery, history, and business development. The main economic activity is the manufacture of textiles and clothing from clothing that highlights your skills and creativity to domestic and foreign tourists in the market in Poncho Square or also known as the “Plaza de Ponchos”. This project has been elaborated with the purpose of encouraging the production of garments embroidered by hand for future export. In addition, the project focuses on two important situations; one is the commercialization of their products to the Spanish market for thus find an alternative for profitable business that will help increase the income of the company; and the other is to rescue traditional cultural values reflected in each garment produced. On the spanish market demands compliance with tariff and non-tariff barriers conditions of quality and innovation. Therefore, it is extremely important to have clear information on the process of production of garments embroidered by hand, availability of raw materials and financing opportunity. Market research reflects a possible international demand so you need planning and strategies to make it possible to the internationalization of the company towards Barcelona - Spain through specialty stores. In the financial aspect, the company requires funding to increase its production capacity and supply both the local and foreign markets, also requires human resources able to support throughout the process of production and export.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Creación de una empresa productora y comercializadora de vino artesanal de maracuyá, mora y uva en la ciudad de Cotacachi con fines de exportación al mercado español
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-12) Araya Andrade, William David
    The present investigation carried out in the Cotacachi canton of the province of Imbabura, during the period 2018-2019; in which it is determined as a fundamental problem the low capacity of production and commercialization in the foreign market of the Vineyard Matías, in which fruits like: passion fruit, blackberry and grape are produced, that after processed artisan are transformed into wines. This vineyard has dedicated its production to the local market, facing this constraint is proposed as a general objective the creation of a producer and marketer of artisanal wine of passion fruit, blackberry and grape in the city of Cotacachi for export to the Spanish market. The identification of the problem was made by observing the production and marketing of the vineyard, establishing as root causes the limited possibility of marketing, insufficient application of promotion technology, reduced management for export processes, which result in reduced production, low yield in productivity, remain limited to local consumption. For the elaboration of the theoretical framework, information was collected that allowed to determine different points of view on the subject. As for the methodological part, qualitative and quantitative methodology were used, the methods and techniques that guided the research process were described, as well as an interview with experts, a survey and an observation sheet. Once the results had been collected, tabulated and analysed, the final conclusions and recommendations were made. Viñedo Matías produces fruits organically and artisanal wine that has been its main characteristic and its letter of presentation, for which strategies are proposed to increase production and promotion in the Spanish market, thus generating an enterprise that involves a greater number of families and allows them to make their way through larger markets.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Análisis del impacto de las exportaciones del sector artesanal textil del cantón Otavalo en el crecimiento económico del Ecuador, período 2013 - 2017
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) Chávez Ortega, Jennyfer Alexandra; Yacelga Castañeda, Seidy Maricela
    This final project report has as general objetivo, “develop an analysis of the exports impact of Otavalo canton artisian textil sector on Ecuador economic growth”. The study allowed to identify and analyze influence factors on production of Otavalo canton artesanal textil sector, as well as knowing the elements that influenced Ecuadors economic growth during the period 2013-2017. Using inductive research methods, (because it starts from the particular to general conclusions, trougth first hand information that helped to solve the problem posed), Deductive (this helped to determine the field study that is from the textile sector of Ecuador to textile sector of Otavalo), and synthetic analysis ( this allowed to study all the elements that intervened in the subject, such as: the causes, the facts, nature, clearly efects and concisely for an analysis describíng the pros and cons of the investigation). Porpousing in this way to encourage the artisanal sector of Ecuador, because, the products obtained from the skillful hands of ecuadorians are representatives at internacional markets wich have somehow reached the different parts of the World, thus contributing to the Otavalo canton economy. However, the sector has been affected the last years because of externalities such as smuggling of textiles from border countries as Colombia and Perú. The applied safeguards during this period as a measure of protection to the national production, the same ones that have as a consequence the increase of production cost, because some of the imputs are imported. Therefore, it is necessary that the Ecuadorian State provide assistance to textile artisans of the Otavalo canton, through training in product improvement, access to foreign markets, quality, among others; and financing for the purchase of raw material and machinery, necessary for the production and processing of textile products.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Incidencia del cambio de la matriz productiva y el modelo de sustitución de importaciones en el sector textil ecuatoriano (2009-2017) caso de estudio: cantón Antonio Ante
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-11) Echeverría Cueva, Andrea Celina
    Through its postulates, the Economic Comission for Latin American and The Caribbean states ideals that support a change in the productive matrix. In this way, it allows growing and economic improvement of developing countries. In this context, Ecuador, through the instruments, starts to change the productive sector where the national plan, “Productive Transformation, Industrial Policies and Strategies Agenda” stablishes the guidelines to contribute to priority sectors with commercial, financial, promotional, productive and tributary strategies that encourage the textile industry to promote changes in the productive matrix. Due to the employement sources it generates, the textile industry plays an important role in the economy of the country, being the second manufactoring industry by providing innovation and a high value added. In this case study, Antonio Ante represents a cultural history of the textile industry. For this reason, it allows to collect data on the structure and behaviour that this sector has. In the same way, it promotes the involvement of the actors responsible of fullfiling the objective stablished in the so called “National Plan of Well Living" from 2009 to 2013 amd from 2013 to 2017.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Propuesta para la creación de una asociación productora y exportadora de joyas de oro del cantón Chordeleg, provincia del Azuay hacia New York, EEUU
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) Ortuño Gordillo, María Fernanda
    Jewellery artisans are located in the canton Chordeleg, in the province of Azuay, where the goldsmithing is one of the economic activities of the canton. In the second chapter, the situational diagnosis of the production of precious metal jewelry, such as gold and silver, from the canton Chordeleg was made. The interview was conducted with the president of Chordeleg's Jewelers' Guild; and the Jewellery Producers were surveyed. As well the market study of United States, was conducted for analyze the different foreign trade statistics for tariff subheading 7113.19. The productive capacity of the association, according to the information collected allowed to determine the production of 300 jewelry units, distributed in: 100 earrings, 100 rings, 50 chains and bracelets equally 50 units monthly. In the third chapter sets out the proposal to meet the objective of establishing an exporting association of gold jewellery, starting with the main requirements for forming an association. The requirements for the export of gold jewellery to the United States market are also established. In the fourth chapter established the investment that is needed to create, constitute and operate the association, the initial investment is $93.478,36 USD, the profit is 20% for each jewel. The investment will recover in three years, eight months and two days. The 108% Internal Rate of Return indicates that the project is financially viable.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Inteligencia de mercados para la exportación de queso mozzarella de la fábrica de lácteos San Luis ubicada en Cayambe
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-07) Morocho Lagos, Jeajaira Elizabeth
    Dairy SAN LUIS has been in the market for several years with its products having a great reception in the citizenship, since it develops quality products for its final customers, the present investigation, allowed to determine a target market to which the mozzarella cheese can be exported, to make the market intelligence was made use of the Trade Map tool, to know the imports and exports of the product worldwide regarding the mozzarella cheese product, thus determining the market suitable for the export of the product. In the same way, the logistical, legal and geographical factors of the destination country of the product were taken into account for exports. Given that the best market for the export of the product was the American, this market was selected due to the high consumption rate of this type of products, in the same way the financial analysis was carried out in order to know the export costs of the product. To the target market, and analyzing factors such as the NPV, IRR, C / B, equilibrium point, based on the information provided by the company San Luis of the city of Cayambe.
  • ItemOpen Access
    La incidencia de los acuerdos comerciales Comunidad Andina de naciones y acuerdo multipartes Unión Europea - Ecuador en el sector productivo textil del cantón Antonio Ante
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) Egas Córdova, Gisela Estefanía; Yépez Cabascango, Evelyn Xiomara
    International trade agreements are, without a doubt, the most suitable vehicle to achieve free trade between countries, this research work is aimed at studying the impact and impact of trade agreements (Andean Community of Nations and Multipart Agreement European Union - Ecuador), focused on the textile production sector in the Antonio Ante canton, for this, a documentary investigation of the aforementioned treaties was carried out and a semi-structured interview was applied to the authorities related to the area, data collection tool of the qualitative method, obtaining the real panorama of the canton in terms of international textile trade advantages and disadvantages.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Análisis de los beneficios del acuerdo comercial con la Asociación Europea de libre comercio EFTA, para las exportaciones de jugos de frutas tropicales en el cantón Quito - provincia de Pichincha
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) Mera Guerrero, Mishell Abigail
    The Commercial Agreement between Ecuador and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), is very recent and because of this there is the importance of knowing the benefits that the agreement will provide to the products that the country exports, especially to Tropical fruit juice exports. Based on what has been explained above, the present study analyzes the benefits that will come to obtain the companies that produce and export tropical fruit juices in the Quito city at the moment when the Commercial Agreement with the EFTA enters into force, and it is also analyzed Tropical fruit juice exports that have been made in years before the signing of the trade agreement. The methodology applied in the research project in a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, where data have been found to analyze Ecuador's exports to EFTA and the benefits that will be obtained with the signing of the agreement. In the same way with the continuation of the study, different research methods have been used, which are: analytical, inductive and synthetic, through which it has been possible to synthesize and better understand the information obtained in the development of the research topic. In reference to the results obtained, it could be said that the fruit juice sector has not exported this product to the countries that belong to the EFTA, so it would be necessary for companies producing tropical fruit juices to have more information on the commercial agreement that the country has signed and that in this way also manages to develop the fruit juice beverage industry by increasing the exports of its products.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Acuerdo multipartes entre la Unión Europea y Ecuador: análisis del impacto en la asociación de comercialización y exportación de banano Acorbanec de la provincia del Guayas, en la ciudad de Guayaquil, en los años 2017 - 2018
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) Iturriaga Hurtado, Shirley Mishell
    This research project analyzes the impact of the Multipart Agreement in the banana sector of the country. Interviews and surveys were conducted with the members of the Association of Marketing and Exportation of Ecuadorian Banana, which were complemented with documentary information, data and figures for exports of this product to Europe. It has been seen that, despite the short time of signing the Agreement until now, positive results are being produced for the banana sector. Despite this, this sector registers some weaknesses that it must overcome in order to face other competitors in the European market. It is also considered that it is necessary that from the Ecuadorian State new regulations and tariffs be established that allow it to deal with other competitors, mainly Colombia, in the European market and establish unmatched international competitiveness.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Creación de una empresa para la producción y comercialización de mermelada de remolacha, ubicada en la provincia de Imbabura, cantón Antonio Ante, hacia Alemania
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-07) Cadena Jijón, Karina Mishelle; Maji Caiño, Edwin Johnatan
    The business idea was the creation of a company dedicated to the production of beet marmalade. In the emergence of the idea of the business, whose general objective was: to determine the export processes of beet marmalade to the German market of the company "Mermolacha" of the canton Antonio Ante province of Imbabura, the methodology used is of a character with which He was able to get to know the current situation of the German market regarding the import and export of marmalades, whose results were positive during the inquiries to the market, consumer and competition, generating the business opportunity that allowed to elaborate the organic structure of the company. In the organizational distribution of the company, the name of the company, its vision, mission, objectives and goals, the value chain, the flow diagram, the strategic scale and the organizational environment are deciphered. In the same way we talk about the introduction of the product to the market, having as positioning strategies: differentiation based on the characteristics of the product, strategy of the precursor and differentiation in relation to the competition. The advertising budget was made in relation to the costs incurred by the company. A sales projection was also carried out for five years taking the percentages of the behavior of selling jams in the local and international scope, resulting in the project being viable due to the good net profit that the project reflects in its financial study.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Diseño de una guía de exportación para pequeñas empresas productoras de flores, del cantón Cayambe
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) Túquerres Alvear, Shirley Andrea
    The present document has how purpose, contribute and give to know to the little florists about the process of roses exportation from Ecuador to other places, given that ecuadorian roses for their excellent quality and characteristics are recognized and quoted throughout the world. Autonomous Decentralized Intercultural and Plurinational Government of the Municipality of Cayambe observing a latent need for small flowers producers in Canton Cayambe, created a requirement to work in conjunction with the author of this project.To provide to the development of this sector was elaborated a guide of exportation specifically focus in the little florists of roses. The guide consists of 4 chapters, detailing the processes and neccesary tools be able to export , from the production process to its export, also proposes guidelines for the creation of an association of small flower growers to enable the development of this group of producers. As a result of this project is expected to reduce doubton the processes of export to small flower growers, so as to guide them in their process of internationalization.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Inteligencia de mercados para la exportación de la chicha de jora de la Organización Andina de Mujeres ubicada en Cotacachi - Imbabura, Ecuador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-07) De la Cruz Cushcagua, Sofía Marisol
    The present research project “INTELLIGENCE OF MARKETS FOR THE EXPORT OF THE JORA CHICHA OF THE ANDEAN WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION LOCATED IN THE CANTÓN COTACACHI- IMBABURA, ECUADOR” has as the development, development and analysis of the feasible market for the export of Chicha of Jora. The Organization was born in the year of 2011, with the initiative of forming a group of women entrepreneurs, thus breaking stereotypes towards women, that is why the need arises to carry out the industrialized production of Chicha de Jora an ancestral drink and about all natural of the Kichwas villages of Cotacachi. This research is based on four chapters, on the topics that help the publication and export of the product. If you use tools such as the Trade Map, qualify the analysis of all the exports and imports that the world makes with respect to fermented beverages, throwing as potential market to the United States, since they have a high percentage of consumption in natural drinks. It was also determined that the Organization has adequate production, in turn the product is found in restaurants and ancestral stores in several cities. Finally, the financial study of this Organization was positive in which the indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost, Contribution Margin, Balance Point were obtained, resulting in a percentage feasible for the implementation of this project.
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    Inteligencia de mercados para la exportación de bolsos ecológicos de la empresa Plastiandes del cantón Antonio Ante - Imbabura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-04) Méndez Cabezas, Adrián Fernando
    The present investigation was designed as the main objective to execute a market intelligence for the export of Ecological Bags of the company PLASTIANDES, located in the Province of Imbabura, Antonio Ante Canton, Natabuela Parish. The methodologies used in data collection were carried out through surveys and interviews. The results achieved offer new alternatives for sale in foreign markets and generate higher economic returns for the entity. Through the search of the ideal country of export of ecological bags was executed by means of eight main factors aimed at: 1) Socioeconomic Factors, 2) Political Factors, 3) Legal Factors, 4) Social Factors, 5) Competitive Factors, 6) Environmental Factors, 7) Cultural Factors, 8) Geographical Factors. The results in the matrix Profile of Opportunities and Threats in the Middle, revealed that the United States is the main candidate to import ecological bags made with nonwoven fabric (non-woven). Likewise, it details the export plan that ecological bags should have in the country suitable for sale. Within the aforementioned, the viability of the project is also established through financial study. However, it is concluded that the company has the appropriate infrastructure and technology for the production of the product in the quantities requested for export. The response to overproduction and little interest in the Ecuadorian market to care for the environment proposes to find the ideal market for the acceptance of the product, which were chosen for environmental policies, awareness of the 3R, reduce, refuse, recycle and that within their nations tend to adopt an environmental culture before friendly products with the planet, choosing mainly green ecology and reducing the consumption of plastic bags through laws and regulations that apply in their countries.
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    Diseño de un plan estratégico para la asociación de desarrollo Cooper-Acción de la Ciudad de Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-02) Huaca Celín, Verónica Janneth
    The framework of this thesis refers to the tactics within the structure of a strategic plan that is applied daily in different organizations that perform commercial operations of tangible goods in this case of the province of Imbabura specifically in the city of Ibarra. It will be applied in a small company that is dedicated to the elaboration of dried grains derivatives; this association tries to rescue the good customs in terms of the healthy and organic food that comes from different dry grains of the Andean region. A theoretical framework was made to clarify different meanings related to the company, the commercial scope and the productive apparatus of the same, which serve as a guide to begin to realize the marketing plan, identifying different points Key to help build the different strategies to be implemented. The research focused on conducting a previous study to the different businesses that are dedicated to distributing in small quantities products derived from dry grains, using surveys and interviews which served as a starting point to raise new strategies. The main goal of implementing a strategic plan is to help the COOPER action Partnership so that it can grow and gain space within the regional market. Innovating different aspects of its structure that make it more attractive and easy to recognize by the potential customers, while still losing its essence. Making use of all the existing opportunities and detecting in time the possible threats that can influence the time of the start-up of the plan. A strategic plan is effective if your structure is well-directed towards the objectives you want to achieve.