Diseño de un producto agroturístico, para aprovechar las potencialidades de la finca “D Lucas” en el sector San Pedro, parroquia La Esperanza, provincia de Imbabura

dc.contributor.advisorDomínguez Ruíz, Grace Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorObando Rojas, Santiago Andrés
dc.descriptionThe agro-tourism farm "D Lucas" is located between San Pedro neighborhood in San Jacinto Parish ´´La Esperanza´´. It is a natural place combines with a healthy environment in the rural area, which has been used for livestock and agricultural purposes by its owners. Currently, based on the results of a situational technical diagnosis on the needs and demands population, its owners with a vision of providing and generating new options for food, recreation and the most relevant is that customers have direct contact with nature being part of it. That is why it has decided to implement an agro-tourism project to offer twelve products and services of great-unsatisfied demand from national and foreign tourists; Furthermore, this study aims to motivate and encourage the healthy food consumption and at the same time enjoy doing different recreation activities, always focusing on the conservation, preservation, and care of local biodiversity. The objective of this research was to see the feasibility of creating a proposal for agricultural tourism activities, in order to improve the economic income of their owners. This study is delimited within a descriptive, documentary, synthetic and analytical research; it was carried out in four stages: First, a situational technical diagnosis of the areas and components of “D LUCAS” Farm distributes its services, according to the needs and demands of tourists, taking advantage of several agricultural and livestock activities that are carried. Second, the profile of the potential tourist who could visit this agro-tourism microenterprise known as "D Lucas" Farm was determined, taking into account its characteristics, time for getting relax, motivation, preference if you would like to participate in agro tourism activities. Those were identified, to demonstrate through an economic study the feasibility, sustainability, and profitability of the investment, so the decision is well founded. Finally, the agro tourism activities and strategies that will be promoted in a planned and progressive way were defined, to achieve the satisfaction of tourists, with each of their products and tourist services offered.
dc.description.abstractEl proyecto agroturístico denominado "La Finca agro turística D Lucas" se encuentra en el Barrio San Pedro, sector de San Jacinto Parroquia La Esperanza, Cantón Ibarra. Esta finca, originalmente utilizada con fines agropecuarios y ganaderos, ha sido identificada como un lugar atractivo y natural. Los propietarios, al observar la demanda de la población por opciones de alimentación y recreación en contacto con la naturaleza, han decidido proponer un proyecto agro turístico con la oferta de doce productos y/o servicios. El objetivo del proyecto es satisfacer una demanda insatisfecha de turistas nacionales y extranjeros, ofreciendo actividades agroturísticas que incluyen alimentación, recreación y contacto con la naturaleza. La investigación, de tipo descriptivo y documental, se llevó a cabo en cuatro etapas. En la primera etapa, se realizó un diagnóstico técnico situacional de la finca para distribuir servicios según las necesidades y expectativas de los turistas. En la segunda etapa, se determinó el perfil del turista potencial. La tercera etapa identificó actividades agroturísticas, evaluando su factibilidad económica, sostenibilidad y rentabilidad. La cuarta etapa definió actividades y estrategias a implementar para lograr la satisfacción de los turistas con los productos y/o servicios ofertados. El proyecto busca mejorar los ingresos económicos de los propietarios de la finca y generar oportunidades de trabajo para los habitantes del sector. Se enfoca en la conservación, preservación y cuidado de la biodiversidad local, promoviendo el consumo de comida sana y actividades recreativas.
dc.publisherPUCE Ibarra
dc.relation.ispartofseries075574; 075886
dc.subjectfinca agro turística, actividades recreativas, visitantes
dc.titleDiseño de un producto agroturístico, para aprovechar las potencialidades de la finca “D Lucas” en el sector San Pedro, parroquia La Esperanza, provincia de Imbabura
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