Analisys of the methodology applied by the english teacher of the ninth year of basic education at “San José Obrero” Educational Institution In Esmeraldas city during the school year 2014-2015”

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Ecuador - PUCESE- Escuela de Lingüística Aplicada
English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, obviously is important to learn it, speak it and understand it, in conclusion communicate in English. This research is focused on the methodology applied by the English teacher in the ninth year of basic education in San José Obrero Educational Unit", in the city of Esmeraldas. Methodological strategies that are used by the English teacher were described and also investigated to find a conclusion. One hundred of students, the Rector of the high school and the English teacher were the participants of this investigation. The conclusions that have been reached were: the methodology that the teacher is using to teach English language is traditional, she does not use appropriate methods and strategies, correct teaching materials, the teacher is the one who evaluates and she always does it in the same way; the work in the classroom is individual, there is not group work. The students from ninth years have some deficiencies in the development of basic skill raking on the scale between middle satisfactory to little satisfactory. These facts origin difficulties in the learning process, sometimes they do not understand what they are listening; they cannot communicate and write with a correct grammar. One of the most important points that this research showed is that students are unmotivated and that is why they have a low performance in class. The authorities must help to the teacher to improve the students learning, been a guidance for the teacher, giving her correct material and technology appropriate. All those things can be improve specially applying the right methodology. The recommendations according to the conclusions are: the teacher must vary the methods, strategies and the ways of evaluate students’ knowledge. Also she has to motivate students using didactic materials, not only based on the student book; she should expend more time warming up and introducing a new topic by technology according to the age of students. It is known that the methodology used to teach English is the base of the teaching-learning process and ensures a correct learning, and an excellent communication in English.
Tesis previa obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Lingüística Aplicada mención Inglés