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Item Open Access Acceso a la educación del pueblo indígena en las comunidades de Azabí del Mortiñal y San Clemente de la provincia de Imbabura: alcances y desafíos(PUCE Ibarra, 2024-01) Chasiluisa Gómez, Alex Fernando; García Acosta, Edgar VinicioEste estudio se enfoca en analizar la accesibilidad a la educación para la comunidad indígena en las localidades de Azabi del Mortiñal y San Clemente, en la Provincia de Imbabura, Ecuador. Inicia con una revisión bibliográfica para establecer un punto de partida, definir la problemática y delimitar los objetivos generales y alcances de la investigación. Se emplea una metodología descriptiva basada en el análisis documental, incorporando estudios respaldados por fundamentos legales y jurisprudenciales que evidencian desigualdades en el acceso educativo. La investigación se enmarca en un paradigma socio-crítico, analizando el entorno social desde una perspectiva descriptiva para esclarecer la hipótesis planteada. Se utiliza un enfoque cualitativo para analizar las normativas, aplicando una metodología deductiva que parte de lo general a lo específico. La evaluación diagnóstica destaca los obstáculos que la población indígena enfrenta en su acceso a la educación, identificando desafíos significativos, especialmente en niveles educativos superiores. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante la técnica de revisión documental, incluyendo el marco normativo nacional e internacional, así como las políticas y estrategias educativas implementadas en las comunidades de Azabi del Mortiñal y San Clemente. Se proponen recomendaciones para evaluar la efectividad de posibles soluciones, realizar un análisis comparativo con estándares internacionales, explorar la viabilidad de propuestas de reforma legislativa y llevar a cabo un diálogo continuo con las comunidades para evaluar la percepción de los avances. Se destaca la importancia de la investigación en el contexto de la equidad y la inclusión educativa, alineándose conel Plan Nacional de Oportunidades.Item Open Access Acceso universal al medio físico: Diseño de espacio público y centro de rehabilitación física y recreo adyacente al Parque Ciudad Blanca, Ibarra(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra, 2023-02) Rivadeneira Grijalva, Santiago FranciscoIn Ecuador approximately 916,156 people suffer from a disability, which represents 5.65% of the population. Despite efforts to provide accessible and inclusive public spaces, the lack of inclusive elements is often evident even in relatively new public infrastructures. The focus of this research is to determine the degree of inclusion and accessibility that the sidewalks and perimeter streets present in a public facility. Therefore, the accessibility and inclusion of 34 segments of streets, perimeters, and adjoining sidewalks in the Ciudad Blanca park, in Ibarra-Ecuador, were evaluated. The research is based on the quantitative evaluation of streets and sidewalks with the E-maps evaluative method. Similarly, qualitative methodology based on surveys regarding the perception of public space adapted to the national context are applied. Thus, the perception data were collected from both passers-by and from the evaluator too from a technical point of view. The information obtained at a quantitative level is shown by means of maps, with a color scale, in which green is very good and red is very poor, so that the accessibility and inclusion indices in the sections analyzed are visualized graphically. The results obtained at a qualitative level are arranged in statistical diagrams that allow to understand in general dimensions the perception of people with respect to the streets and their immediate environment. After obtaining the results, an information cross-referencing of the applied methodologies is carried out in order to determine the sections with the greatest problem in terms of inclusion and accessibility. In this way, a segment of 1km length is determined on the Ave. Camilo Ponce, where an urban design proposal is presented to guarantee universal access for the eradication of urban inequity. In response to the problem at the architectural level, a physical rehabilitation and recreation center is proposed. This facility is intended to generate a suitable space for the improvement of physical motor skills, which allow people to improve their quality of life in the development of daily activities. Similarly, people there will be able to have a physical preparation to avoid obstacles or face in a more positive way the urban environments with low levels of accessibility and inclusion.Item Open Access La acción de protección como garantía constitucional de los derechos de la naturaleza(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2020-05) Goyes Guerrero, Tamia CamilaStarting from the validity of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador in 2008, it is necessary to propose the study of one of its most questionable content, such as determining nature as a subject of rights and granting it the rights to be respected, maintained and restored, being directly enforceable by a person or group, this based on theoretical assumptions such as biocentrism, the recognition of damage to nature and the environment, the Andean worldview, the Sumak Kawsay and interculturality and multinationality as a bridge between the human being and the natural elements, that is, the very recognition that life depends on the stability of the earth. This research is supported by the review of doctrinal and regulatory content, as well as the analysis of causes that reflect the absence of infra-constitutional regulations that develop the content of the rights of nature, in this sense it is presented to the protection action as the ideal way to protect the rights of nature constitutionally recognized. In this sense, it is concluded that the cases and contents studied demonstrate the lack of development of the rights of nature, the same that must progress because they demonstrate social evolution, and within Ecuador they constitute the foundation for the consolidation of Good Living or Sumak Kawsay, by establishing itself as a State closely related to the Rights of Nature.Item Open Access La acción extraordinaria de protección en la administración de justicia indígena(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-11) Morán García, Nelson SantiagoThe present investigation allows us to address and examine the extraordinary protection action in the administration of Ecuadorian indigenous justice, since, in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (2008), indigenous justice is recognized as a form of administration of justice, where It has been applied by indigenous communities and peoples based on their customary law; Such form of administration of justice must be subject to constitutional control. That is why, since there is a violation of human rights in decisions issued by indigenous justice, we have as a constitutional guarantee the extraordinary protection action, which seeks to protect and defend the fundamental rights of all citizens. According to the results obtained through the application of the investigative instruments, it was found that there is a violation of human and constitutional rights by those who administer indigenous justice, thus generating the exercise of extraordinary protection action by those who they are dissatisfied with these indigenous failures; In addition, it could be evidenced that the Ecuadorian State does not carry out enough actions to inform the indigenous authorities about the rights and guarantees that the defendants have.Item Open Access Acuerdo multipartes entre la Unión Europea y Ecuador: análisis del impacto en la asociación de comercialización y exportación de banano Acorbanec de la provincia del Guayas, en la ciudad de Guayaquil, en los años 2017 - 2018(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-09) Iturriaga Hurtado, Shirley MishellThis research project analyzes the impact of the Multipart Agreement in the banana sector of the country. Interviews and surveys were conducted with the members of the Association of Marketing and Exportation of Ecuadorian Banana, which were complemented with documentary information, data and figures for exports of this product to Europe. It has been seen that, despite the short time of signing the Agreement until now, positive results are being produced for the banana sector. Despite this, this sector registers some weaknesses that it must overcome in order to face other competitors in the European market. It is also considered that it is necessary that from the Ecuadorian State new regulations and tariffs be established that allow it to deal with other competitors, mainly Colombia, in the European market and establish unmatched international competitiveness.Item Open Access Acumulación de plomo, cromo y cadmio en suelo y fruto de uvilla (Physalis peruvlana) regados con el agua del río Pichaví(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-06) Maiguashca Rivera, Sofía CarolinaThe levels of lead, chromium and cadmium in water and soil can be mobilized towards plants and because of their non-biodegradable characteristics and toxicity can be dangerous for health. The present investigation evaluated the accumulation of these trace metals in the soil and fruit of uvilla (Physalis peruviana) irrigated with water from the Pichaví River during the months of November, December 2016 and January 2017. The results of the soil and water analyzes were validated referring to lead and cadmium heavy metals between the months of April to July 2018. Samples of water, soil and fruit were taken at three different sampling points: upper zone (Domingo Sabio), middle zone (La Portada) and lower zone (Pilchibuela). Performing the analysis by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, it was determined that the level of lead in water is not detectable, while for cadmium, the highest level found is in the order of 0.034 mg/l which is still maintained within the norm. For the chromium, we observed that it exceeds the maximum permissible limits with a value of 11.8 mg / l. overcoming data from the Official Registry - Special Edition No. 387 of November 4, 2015, Annex 1 of Book VI of the Unified Text of Secondary Legislation of the Ministry of the Environment: Environmental Quality Standard and Discharge of Effluents to the Water Resource; Parameters of the Water Quality Levels for Irrigation. The soil analysis showed the highest concentrations of chromium with 19.17 mg/kg in the low area of the Pichaví River in the month of January, for cadmium it was 0.068 mg/kg in the upper area of the Pichaví River in the month of January and lead was observed, it could be determined that as far as the soil does not exceed the maximum limits for soil according to the Official Registry Special Edition No. 387 of November 04, 2015, Annex 2 of Book VI of the Unified Text of Secondary Legislation of the Ministry of the Environment : Standard of Environmental Quality of the Soil Resource and Remediation Criteria for Contaminated Soils. In addition, this research established that the fruit of uvilla (Physalis peruviana) presents chromium in the month of January in the middle area of the river Pichaví with the highest value of 7.3 mg/kg, cadmium presented its highest concentration with 0.030 mg/kg in the month of November in the lower area of the Rio Pichaví, based on the International Legislation of Maximum Content in Heavy Metals in Food Products of the European Union- Revision 2019 and no lead was found in the fruit. As one of the most important crops for export in the area, the concentration of metals can affect its commercialization.Item Open Access Adaptación curricular aplicada en niños con síndrome de asperger de la unidad educativa Teodoro Gómez de la Torre(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-07) Medina Andrade, Martha CatalinaThe present investigation takes into consideration the curricular development applied to a student who presents Asperger's Syndrome with different cognitive and social communicative characteristics. In this frame of reference, it was observed that the child with this syndrome perceives the world around him in a different way, for which it is necessary to know about his life history, directly analyze the social communicative problem with his peers and the experiences lived from His learning. The daily educational experience of the child is fundamental, since it has the personal help of the parents, teacher and educational psychologist (time interrupted by changes of psychologists) to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the learning style of the child with Asperger's syndrome. It adopts a qualitative - analytical methodology that starts from the exploration of a situation to then collect qualitative psych pedagogical observation and assessment data, which will be organized, analyzed and interpreted, in synderesis with the case study of the child worked systematically among other techniques , through observation, data collection for their daily events in the school space, their learning style, personalized interview with their parents and experts in the field, such as the application of the Asperger's syndrome infant test. From this educational environment it is pertinent to assess their emotional character, language, artistic expression as a positive aspect of an equally different person who has a special educational need associated with disability and the importance envisioned of including in normal education the student suffering from this syndrome. Asperger.Item Open Access Adaptación de dos leguminosas forrajeras (arachis pintoi y centrosema macrocarpum) en asociación con gramíneas, mediante dos métodos de siembra(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-01) Yépez Silva, Amanda ElizabethThe research was carried out in the parish of Lita, in "Pamplona" Farm, Ibarra canton, Imbabura province. The objective was to evaluate the adaptation of two forage legumes, Arachis pintoi and Centrosema macrocarpum, in association with grasses, by means of two planting methods. A completely randomized block design was used, with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The treatments were T1 = A. pintoi, planted in alternating furrows; T2 = A. pintoi, sown in mixed furrows; T3 = C. macrocarpum, planted in alternating furrows; T4 = C. macrocarpum, sown in mixed furrows. The variables studied were germination percentage, coverage percentage, dry matter production (kg / ha), crude protein and NDF. For the percentage of germination no significant differences were recorded (p <0.05) and all the treatments presented values lower than 50% (T1 = 30.17%, T2 = 28.68%, T3 = 32.5%, T4 = 34.60%). In the percentage of coverage there were highly significant differences in all the harvests (p>0.01), A. pintoi having the highest coverage levels during the whole trial. The production of dry matter registered significant differences for the harvests of the rainy season (p>0.05), having greater production the treatments T2 and T4, where the sowing was made in mixed furrows. In the variable of crude protein there were significant differences between the treatments (p>0.05), being the treatments T1 and T2, where A. pintoi was found, those with the highest protein contribution. In the NDF contribution, there were no significant differences between the treatments.Item Open Access Adaptación de los medios de prensa escrita de la provincia Imbabura (el norte y la hora) a las características del ecosistema digital, a través del análisis de sus cuentas en la red social facebook(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-11) Benavides García, Nicole CarolinaWith the research process carried out during this titling project it has been possible to determine several important aspects in the context of the traditional media that have adapted to the web. Today, the digitization, the internet and social networks have in many ways transformed the reality of society, and thus have caused innumerable changes in any environment. Journalism and the media have not been left out, in fact they have been objects of transformation and constant adaptation. This work is aimed at analyzing and studying the changes made by the traditional media of Imbabura: El Norte and La Hora, to detect their strengths but above all their weaknesses when the information is disseminated through the network social Facebook. With the data and results collected, it was pertinent to propose and elaborate a digital guide containing recommendations and techniques that can be used by journalists in general and students of Social Communication, so that, in the future, they make quality publications, taking full advantage of all the opportunities that Facebook offers them and especially so that they know how to reach the new audiences betting on the interaction and the use of multimedia.Item Open Access Adhesión de Ecuador al acuerdo marco de la alianza del Pacífico: una perspectiva desde la teoría de seguridad de Copenhague(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-01) Gómez Calderón, José MiguelThe geostrategic criterion of the Pacific basin determines the importance of the existence of integration mechanisms such as the Pacific Alliance, of which Ecuador in 2018 shows its interest to be an associate state. In this context, the present study analyses the possible adherence of Ecuador to the Pacific Alliance and its implications in the political, economic, and commercial situations. As theoretical perspectives are taken contributions from Regional Integration theories, which, although they come from political science, are applied to the International Relations; particularly Copenhagen School's theory of security, and the studies of one of its members, Barry Buzan, since they adapt to the new reality of South America and specifically Ecuadorian understanding security from a multidimensional vision. The methodology used in the project is of descriptive type, of a mixed approach, and exploratory by the lack of research on the specific topic. Different research methods are used throughout the study, these are micro-historical, analytical, as well as an ad hoc methodological research table that gathers both qualitative and quantitative elements and it allowed to analyze the pronouncements of the Chancellery and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investments. In the same way, a second ad hoc research table was used in order to analyze interviews of public and private actors in the area involved. The results show that both sectors (public and private) agree on the necessity to improve the competitiveness of the Ecuadorian industry with public policies and free trade, so to deepen relations with the Pacific Alliance becoming an associate member is a strategic goal of the Ecuadorian government. In another way, although this research does not show that Ecuador's adherence to the commercial agreement is negative in the economic and commercial field, it would not be relevant.Item Open Access La adicción a las redes sociales en los centros de educación superior. Estudio de caso: estudiantes de la PUCE Sede Ibarra(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-08) Enríquez Lovato, Shirley CeleneEspecially regarding the present study, there is a clear and indisputable connection with technology, as far as we are concerned, we focus on the addiction of university students and on the specific causes that lead students to become addicts, acquiring a mental health disorder. Given the technological avalanche, university students can not go offline for more than a few minutes, creating avatars in their fictional worlds where they clearly feel comfortable, calm and happy. The present study, based on a sample of three hundred and forty-five respondents and various interviews with professionals in the psychology and management of social networks, was confirmed that in the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Ibarra Headquarters, there are young people addicted to social networks (clearly on FACEBOOK) for a number of factors that justify it as; We are part of this new digital age, assuming that there is no problem to find a solution for. Faced with this obvious disaster there are many educational alternatives that we have seen in this analytical journey, which will achieve a positive change in young people addicted to social networks; such as, the educational and preventive campaigns of the good management of social networks, the control and care before the technological tsunami and that the university students know the true computer hazards. Going deeper into the case study that are the young addicts of Puce-Si, social networks create a lack of control, a pathological need and a disturbing behavior that causes a lack of sociability in the real world. This generation of young people have forgotten the face-to-face dialogue. For some philosophers the basis of all this technological chaos is located, in which young people feel happy behind the screen, in other words the university students want to pretend a fictitious life, without realizing that reality to the only thing that leads them is to a false happiness. It is irrefutable today the total importance of a like, the reaction or interactivity of the followers, who measure, with a simple figure, the social, labor and economic level of the youngest citizens.Item Open Access La afectación del derecho de libertad de participación, a partir del voto obligatorio, establecido en la constitución ecuatoriana del 2008(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2020-02) Pérez Jiménez, Pablo AntonioThe political culture of a nation is the result of the accumulated experience because of the socio-political practice of its population, reflected in the rights and responsibilities which are among their social activities. Therefore, the citizens must enjoy the recognized rights that must be followed in the legal system of a specific country. The main goal of this investigation is based on the analysis of the article 62 section 1 from the constitution of the Republic of Ecuador which stablishes: “the vote will be an obligation for people at the age of 18 or more. In prison all people who don’t have a guilty verdict yet can exercise the right to vote”. It can be seen how this article is focused on the rights of participation and at the same time, it limits as the right to the freedom as the citizen’s voluntary participation. This investigation can be considered important because it takes into account, somehow, the own and sovereign willingness of the citizen among the constitutional state of law and justice. In this sense, we got as a result the relevance of the voluntary vote, it constitutes a right which let the citizen to be able to choose as her or his political leaders, as well as government programs which were offered. Although it is considered a right by the constitutional rule, at the same time, it is denatured because it is an obligatory fulfillment. However, the political rights make up one of the vindications of the human beings which has let- in this particular case- the configuration of the principle of participation for taking part in the political life in order to express their "own" will; principle of participation contained in the second comment of the article 95 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador: "The participation of citizens in all subject-matter of public field is a right, which will be exercised through the mechanisms of the representative, direct and community democracy", In conclusion and taking into consideration that the exercise of the participatory democracy constitutes a fundamental right in the construction of the society, there should be asked for the quality of the right or the faculty of the citizen participation and accordingly, the section of the article number 62 of the constitution of the Republic of Ecuador should be improved.Item Open Access Agente de gestión y planificación de contenido en ambientes educativos inteligentes(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-05) Cadena Coral, Wilman YordanoHe research was carried out at the School of Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra PUCE-SI, the objective was to develop a prototype of intelligent educational content planning agent as a support for research and support for multi-agent architecture for classrooms. In this context, the project was conceived as a module to support innovation within the educational sphere through an educational platform that supports the teaching-learning process, focusing mainly on strengthening the students' training process. This research presents the design and development of a smart agent prototype that is responsible for the planning, management, monitoring and re-planning of educational content in each of the courses of an intelligent classroom during a specific academic period, the purpose The agent is to be a tool to support the activities that teachers perform within the educational process. For the planning of the agent, a set of rules have been defined that guarantee that the competences of the subjects are achieved during the course. On the other hand, the agent requires to have educational resources according to the subjects which must be contained in an academic repository where teachers can store the necessary material for the educational process that must correspond to an object of educational learning. As a result, a prototype of content management and planning agent was obtained in intelligent educational environments which allows to facilitate the educational contents based on the characteristics of the students' learning, focused on the level of achievements and learning objectives that the students keep reaching.Item Open Access Agiti, Geoparque Imbabura(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2021-01) Benalcázar Cabrera, Anthony SebastiánThe project was born as a solution for the information management and dissemination processes managed by the committee in charge of the Imbabura Geopark project, currently controlled by the Imbabura Prefecture, which is the sponsor of this technological product. The conception of the project begins with the study and analysis of the already existing research located in the documentary records of the Imbabura Geopark and the processes carried out for the socialization of informational data, later the client's requirements were taken as a priority, reaching the collection of stories of user to design the software product and empower it with the detailed application and rationale of the Scrum software development methodology. As a result, a software solution has been developed that has become a revolutionary technology that allows support in the dissemination of data information from the Imbabura Geopark, the current tourist center of the Los Lagos province.Item Open Access Agroecología y turismo ecológico: diseño de rutas en la zona natural de San Blas, Urcuqui, Ecuador(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra, 2021-03) Tapia Encalada, Gustavo LuisThe project is developed in the rural parish of San Blas belonging to the canton of San Miguel de Urcuquí, province of Imbabura, whose research focuses on two main factors such as tourism and agriculture that characterize the sector; The research methodology was based on the following approaches: productive, landscape, labor approach and improvement of the quality of life of the residents of the parish. The theoretical bases and approaches mentioned above were analyzed, which in their development make us notice the great advantages of each one of them, which when applied can contribute to the parish being appreciated as a tourist-productive reference, which have not been strengthened up to the present, which is why the need to propose an agroecological tourism project in this parish is evident. The project is located in Iruguincho, Rural community of San Blas, which has direct vehicular accessibility to it. The interactive natural route begins at this point, accessing the first architectural element on foot, this being the Timbuyacu recreational complex, following the route that crosses the side of said complex, progresses to the Conrayaro waterfall, crossing interpretive spaces such as strategic stops, viewpoints, rest areas, among others. In the lower area of the project, the creation of several swimming pools complemented with rest areas, restaurants, sauna, Turkish bath, hydromassage and routes through permaculture spaces that will show the agricultural production of the parish, integrated into a natural environment; which in the medium term contribute to San Blas being strengthened and considered as a benchmark not only for parishes of the same canton but for other cantons.Item Open Access Aislamiento de cepas bacterianas de ambientes fríos para remoción de plomo en condiciones de laboratorio(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-03) Arciniega Chicaiza, Álvaro MauricioLead within the body in high amounts can be harmful to the body, the maximum permissible limit in humans is 10 μg.dl-1 if this level is exceeded it can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness and even death; Due to this problem, which is becoming more and more evident, this research was carried out to help mitigate the excessive presence of heavy metals and the contamination that this mismanagement entails, with the help of bacteria from cold psychrophilic environments, it was verified whether a process is viable or not. of bioremediation. To verify the viability of biotransformation of the psychrophilic bacteria, a process of isolation of bacterial strains was carried out by means of LB nutritive agar in which the objective was to reproduce the bacteria, a colony was obtained for each sowing in each Petri dish after 24 hours, at room temperature (19°C), refrigeration (3°C); no positive result was obtained at stove temperature (29°C), this last result is due to the fact that this type of bacteria are from cold environments, that is, their optimum development is from 0 to 15 ° C. The samples were subjected to a concentration of 0.1 mg.l-1 which is the maximum permissible percentage of lead in the human body, later it was doubling its concentrations ie 0.2-0.4 and 0.8 mg.l-1 All the samples were subjected to the temperature conditions mentioned above in order to verify the capacity of biotransformation and resistance of the psychrophilic bacteria, this study proved that the temperature is a determining factor for its development since it was positive for the ambient and refrigeration temperatures and negative with a 100% mortality rate for the stove temperature. The percentage of lead reduction in the positive samples obtained was checked, this analysis was performed using the atomic absorption technique obtaining a positive result: CM (1.80), PA (1.87) and PH (2.40) these values correspond to the residual of 100% in each value, obtained these results it was concluded that the bacteria of the CM point were the most optimal in this process.Item Open Access Aislamiento de consorcio bacteriano de la fuente termal de Pucará, perteneciente al cantón Urcuquí - Imbabura para la lixiviación de cobre del proyecto tipo A "Biosensores"(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-07) Arcos Ortiz, César ArturoThe objective of the research was to isolate a native strain from the thermal waters of Pucará, Urcuquí, Imbabura, capable of leaching copper without the need to use conventional methods, for which three sampling points were established in the thermal water sources of the study area: main reservoir (P1), secondary reservoir (P2) and slope attached to the river (P3), of which the respective physico-chemical analysis was carried out, having as main results a pH of 5.9, a temperature of 40 ° C and a copper concentration of 3.2 mg.l-1, which served as experimental base for its replication in the laboratory. In the experimental phase, the bacterial consortiums were isolated, using Petri dishes with LB agar, replicating the conditions of the medium, to characterize the existing strains by their size, shape and color, where 36 different strains were found which were transferred to tubes of LB Invitrogen broth assay under extreme conditions of 100 mg.l-1 copper, a pH of 3.3 and the same temperature, where 7 copper-resistant strains could be found, identified by DNA extraction and the polymerase chain reaction, sending to Macrogen for its respective sequencing and identification. Copper concentrations were measured at 24, 48 and 72 hours by acid digestion of water for the total of recoverable or dissolved metals for analysis by spectroscopy, with an optimum retention time of 48 hours in which two strains leached a maximum of 81% (Thermothelomyces thermophilus) and 78% (Spirochaeta thermophila).Item Open Access Aislamiento e identificación de bacterias remediadoras de cromo presentes en el agua residual de textiles(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-11) Guevara Garzón, Bayron OrlandoThe chrome is one the most toxic heavy metals and it is present in textile residual waters. It cannot be degraded easily because of its residuality, but there are microorganisms in the contaminated environment which interact promoting the chrome chemical transformation and remove the heavy metal from the environment. The objective of this investigation was identify and isolate bacteria strains which are present in the textile residual water. Analyzed a sample of the water where these microorganisms live, in the PUCESI labs facilities. The water characterization results were 1100 units of color, pH 2,73 and 21056 mg.l-1 of oxygen chemical demand. The bacteria cultivation was developed using agar LB y and nutrient broth with 0,05 ppm of concentration like a top limit allowed. Then, these bacteria were exposed to some chrome concentrations (0,05ppm, 0,10ppm, 0,20 ppm y 0,40ppm) and evaluated its growth. The experiment allowed to isolate 6 bacteria strains of which Pseudomonas sp showed the best rake over and growth results. The chrome rake over value was 94,5% and 3,0x107 of cellular bacteria growth in 12 hours. The DNA analyze helped to identify the 6 funded bacteria strains. The amplification of DNAr 16s was made using the PCR technic and the BLAST program identified which the selected strains belonged to the generous Maribacter, Bacilus, Pseudomona, Enterococcus, Amycolatopsis and Staphylococcus. The rake over bacteria strains were evaluated the absortion atomic spectro using the flame technic. The best results were Pseudomona sp with 94,5% of chrome rake over and Bacilus Cereus with 93,25%.Item Open Access Aislamiento, identificación y evaluación de hongos solubilizadores de fósforo en diferentes zonas de estudio de la provincia del Carchi, para aplicarlos en el cultivo de papa (solanum tuberosum), variedad INIAP - Libertad(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-01) Paspuel Meneses, Daniela IsabelA research work was carried out whose objective was to evaluate the solubilization efficiency of phosphorus by strains of native fungi from three zones of the province of Carchi; Espejo, Montufar and Huaca respectively, obtained from soils with five different uses: natural forest, eucalyptus forest, crop rotation, potato and grass monoculture, this study was developed in two phases, one in the laboratory and the field phase where evaluated the strains. Phosphorus solubilizing fungal strains were isolated and identified in the laboratory, where "Pikovskaya Agar" culture medium was used and 100 micro liters of soil dilution of 10 -1 to 10 -7 was planted and maintained for 72 hours at room temperature to then examine the amount of cfu (colony-forming units) and fungal strains. The strains of fungi that gave the best results were 5: identified with the codes; SPT1 (Soil Grass Mirror), SPT12 (Soil Grass Mirror), SP1 (Soil Papa Mirror), SN5 (Natural Soil Montufar), SP3 (Soil Papa Huaca), the species of fungus solubilizer found was Aspergillus niger for all strains. The evaluation of the best fungal strains was done in the field in a potato crop (Solanum tuberosum) variety INIAP-LIBERTAD in greenhouse using soil only of potato monoculture of the three zones under study; the variables stem length, stem diameter, fresh stem weight, fresh root weight, root dry weight, stem dry weight, root length, yield were evaluated. The results of this investigation showed that the application of phosphorus-solubilizing fungi as a biofertilizer does have a positive influence on the development of potato (Solanum tuberosum) variety INIAP-LIBERTAD, which shows that the application of Aspergillus ninger is an alternative transcendental that generates a friendly agriculture with the environment.Item Open Access Alcance jurídico de la constitución apostólica “Ex Corde Ecclesiae” en las Universidades Católicas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2021-01) Muñoz Tapia, Sherly FernandaThe process of evolution of Catholic universities in the world, was prolonged stating its beginnings in the thirteenth century, there being no world precedents of other universities in the Middle Ages. In this development, the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution "Ex Corde Ecclesiae" signified the culmination of this historical process, because it constitutes the most important instrument related to Catholic university education. The general objective pursues to analyze the fulfillment by the Catholic universities of the guidelines of the aforementioned Constitution, in order to determine if there is specialized professional training, which allows students to acquire or deepen the authentically Christian life; The foundation of this research is constituted by the series of church instruments on university education and the founded opinion of ecclesiastical and university authorities of PUCESI about the application of an education that harmonizes with the richness of humanistic and cultural development with training specialized professional and integrate and structure the data obtained. The hermeneutical method was used in this work for the interpretation of the written texts and the content of the Apostolic Constitution, as well as the socio-legal one, with a descriptive depth taking into account the opinions of numerous authors to determine its legal scope. It is revealed prima facie that the process of university Catholic education was perfected with the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution "Ex Corde Ecclesiae" of Pope Saint John Paul II legislative text that regulates various matters related to Catholic colleges and universities.