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Item Open Access Prevalencia de brucelosis (brucella abortus) en vacas en producción lechera en el cantón Espejo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-01) Acosta Cifuentes, Andrea EstefaníaThis research aims to "Determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with bovine brucellosis in cows in milk production in the canton of Espejo province of Carchi". For the prevalence, the Milk Ring Test (PAL) was used, which allowed the determination of positive plants to later apply the Buffered Plate Antigen ("BPA") technique to the animals, and later to confirm the results of positive animals by competitive ELISA CELISA), which was performed in a private laboratory certified by AGROCALIDAD for the diagnosis of brucellosis. The prevalence according to the population of animals of the Canton Espejo determined a value of 2.17 % (8/369) through competitive ELISA. At UPAS level, the prevalence obtained was 5.56% (5/90) through PAL. The parish 27 of September was the territory with greater presence of brucellosis resulting 7.6% and secondly the parish La Libertad with a seroprevalence of 7.4 through competitive ELISA. Chi square was determined statistically significant between the relationship of seropositivity with: leasing nearby paddocks, incorporate animals from feria to their herds and the history of abortion. The socialization to the ranchers determined that 77.27% (17/22) will apply a health program to their herd to avoid the spread of the disease.Item Open Access Incidencia de enterobacterias patógenas en cuyes (cavia porcellus) de las parroquias Natabuela y Chaltura(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-05) Torres Ordóñez, Sandra Elizabeth; Tirira Arévalo, Marco VinicioThe presence of infectious-contagious diseases in guinea pigs that are raised under the family system between the guinea pigs of Natabuela and Chaltura is a concern that demands the clarification of alternative procedures and measures to counteract the predisposing causes for the presence of enterobacteria such as Yersinia pseudotuberculosis , Escherichia coli and Salmonella thypimorium among guinea pigs that have precarious systems of management, feed with fodder of doubtful sanitary condition, for which solution was taken by means of rectal swabs to guinea pigs of these two parishes. In laboratories of The ECAA bacterial cultures were carried out in specific media for Salmonellas Agar SS (MERCK®), E. coli Agar Eosin Methylene Blue Agar MBE (MERCK®) and Yersinia in Agar Yersinia (ACUMEDIA®), as well as by exhaustion were achieved To obtain specific cultures for their morphological characterization And Gram growth in order to arrive at the determination of Salmonella thypimorium and Escherichia coli as the most prevalent species with minimal presence of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. This microbiological research, supported by epidemiological surveys among the guinea pig farmers, allowed us to propose a plan of technical and corrective actions through interactions with the cabayocultores for the sanitary management of the systems of raising guinea pigs in the parishes of Natabuela and Chaltura.Item Open Access Estudio de la comunicación interpersonal entre los usuarios y miembros de las empresas de transporte urbano en la provincia de Imbabura(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-07) Orbe Bonilla, Estefany DamarizThe present research has shown that the system of public transportation has changed and has influenced people’s relationships and the development of the society. These changes, have been shown in different aspects. For example: the growth in the population and thus, the relationships, integration during different process of human communication has allowed. Consequently, we can say that there is a notable transformation of social and communication level. Communication as a science has allowed the development of life of humanity in different areas. Thanks to the evolution and technological advances the methods of communication have increased. The idea is to create methods that appeal to the interaction between communities and different social actors are not lost. Nowadays, one of the great advantages of communication is the way in which we can share and Exchange information immediately. Within this branch, one can find big strategies and ways to build relations with one another throughout the interaction, interpersonal relations, group and individual relations, by using language, symbols, signals and codes. All these can be interpreted differently within the social context. The process of communication and social interaction of society, especially in Imbabura, has communicative, cultural, technological elements and more that are important in regards at the mobility of public transportation in the urban area of counties Otavalo, Antonio ante e Ibarra. Public transportation in these sectors is a scenery where messages, traditions, and coexistence take place. Therefore, the idea is to improve the relation between people that use public transportation and the drivers.Item Open Access Estudio exploratorio del radioteatro en la capital del Ecuador(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-08) Echeverría Guerra, Joseline YadiraThis research argue how radiotheatre can become in a teaching- learning tool, transmitting content to achieve a rescue of values and recover the identity of our country. For this reason, strategies will be used to promote this format in the radio broadcast media of the ecuadorian capital. In this paper we use the descriptive method based mainly on a mixed methodology of qualitative and quantitative type; using techniques such as the open-closed interview and the survey applied to a representative sample of the population in the capital of Ecuador. The present investigation tries to approach to the history of radio, the beginnings of the radiotheatre in the United States, Argentina, Cuba, Mexico and in our country. In addition, results are included on the use of this format in the radial programming of Quito. The study includes the analysis SWOT in relation to the obtained data, generating a strategic matrix with actions and alternatives of the rescue of this format, contributing to improve the cultural contents in the radios of the capital. Through this research we try to analyze radiotheatre incidence in the population of capital of Ecuador, which means produce, adapt or disseminate this format in the main broadcast media of Quito. From the obtained results in the diagnosis, alternatives are exposed for the rescue of this format and its potentialities.Item Open Access Análisis de los contenidos audiovisuales otavaleños como fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural del pueblo kichwa Otavalo de la provincia de Imbabura(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-08) Arellano Moreta, Jhony IsraelThe main purpose of this research project is to identify the cultural impact seen through the shorts performed as a rescue of the oral traditions of the Kichwa people of Otavalo, contemplating the fact that, in spite of these results, local culture could have and adequate penetration in the audience of the region. Culture represents a sum of the subjects related to the way of life, the belief, the traditions that are presented in the development of life in society. These characteristics are transmitted from generation to generation. One way of generating the immortalization of this type of elements can be the realization of audiovisual short films, whose narrative structure is linked to the culture in question. In this case, the Kichwa. In addition, it is necessary to add to this type of products, which nowadays are presented in digital format, can be reproduced in multiple visual devices. Thus, considering different bibliographical references, the analysis of the projects carried out in the Otavalo region, the application of interviews to filmmakers and surveys to the inhabitants of Imbabura, aims to determine the level of cultural incidence as well as establishing the importance of promoting, in communicative matters, the dissemination of these projects at community and school level. An impact analysis is carried out, considering areas such as communicational, educational, social and technical, then performing a general cohesion of the results emitted by the four previous variables. The present project represents a cultural contribution, through which different points of view of the Otavaleño filmmakers are shown, contemplating their experiences, contributions, recommendations and other situations that are of interest for the purposes of this degree project.Item Open Access Análisis del periodismo móvil como herramienta tecnológica para la creación de contenidos noticiosos de los diarios la hora y el norte, en la ciudad de Ibarra Imbabura(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-08) Pozo Ormaza, Armando XavierJournalism has existed since the beginning of the printing revolution. However, the picture has been changing little by little, so that doing journalism today means knowing its technological tools, such as mobile devices. In this case, mobile journalism is now more than a tool for the profession. Formally, technological advances have improved the quality of information and especially the immediacy. The journalistic companies try to sustain the channels that nourish the informative exchange with emphasis in the digital ones and in the communicational medium, in this sense, the updated information makes possible the constant interaction of the audience. Therefore, it is important that local newspapers in the province of Imbabura such as La Hora and El Norte, adapt to the new times of technological immediacy so that they disappear in the world of virtuality and only subsist on paper. Mobile journalism increases exponentially compared to other forms of journalism. The apogee of these tools and the new ways of consuming information through social networks are the main cause of the informative interaction. The young 'Millennial' or Generation Y energize social networks and are the ones that consume these platforms the most, for this reason, news and information must be thought of in the different audiences that emerge from technological evolution. Therefore, through this research it is proposed to analyze the technological tools of the newspaper La Hora and El Norte, of the mobile devices used in the province of Imbabura.Item Open Access Centro de registro, adopción, rescate y entrenamiento de la fauna urbana de la ciudad de Ibarra(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra, 2017-08) Escorza Yanacallo, Giovanni RafaelThe project deals with providing an effective solution to the problem of dogs and cats that are found on the streets of Ibarra, dedicating a sustainable space for their recovery, adoption and care, thus allowing the animals to have a new chance at life. . In order to face the problem, the intervention of various disciplines related to good animal treatment is needed, since it would be useless to propose a solution that would solve the problem for a certain time if it later reappeared with more force, becoming an endless cycle. As part of the solution, the design of a center for the registration, adoption and rescue of the urban fauna of the city is proposed.Item Open Access Análisis de los procesos de comunicación virtual y su incidencia en las relaciones interpersonales en entornos familiares de los adolescentes en la provincia de Imbabura(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-08) Ruiz Ruiz, Ximena ElizabethThe present thesis project performs the analysis and evaluation of the processes of virtual communication and its impact on the teenagers’ family relationships in the Imbabura province. It was carried out through the application of research techniques that allow knowing this reality. Further, it emphasizes the need to have a program of digital literacy for proper management of ICT. Information and communication technologies have revolutionized the ways to communicate and interact with the environment. These tools and the contact applications keep close the distant people and keep away the close people. The Internet and social networks are used for multiple purposes, from purely professional concerns to share entertainment, acquire knowledge, among others. All those mentioned correspond to a basic human need which is related with the social skills and the way to want to belong to a particular social group. ICT used properly offer a number of advantages. In the same way, if these are used in a wrong, it becomes in a double-edged weapon.Item Open Access Planificación del uso del suelo de la parroquia Urcuquí del cantón San Miguel de Urcuquí(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra, 2017-09) Alarcón Ortiz, Gabriela LucíaThe present architectural urban work for developing territories, which applies to the Urcuquí parish that is located in the province of Imbabura in the canton of San Miguel de Urcuquí, this being the only urban parish that has this canton. Within this parish, the City of Knowledge Yachay is implanted, which unlike the parish under study has an established zoning, which is why it is pertinent to carry out Land Use Planning, since not having this regulation generates the floating populations without any type of control and without taking into account the anthropic risks that the inhabitants of these sectors can cause. By not having an urban criteria according to the context where the parish is located, as a consequence there is a delay in the development of the parish, since the land is being underused with incompatible activities, since there are consolidated areas in areas of agricultural vocation that are they must preserve in order to take advantage of the territory's resources and guarantee food solvency. It is worth mentioning that Land Use Planning is linked to the road system and it is therefore pertinent to plan a coherent connectivity, in order to generate orderly urban growth, delimiting that a planned city is a city prepared for future growth. Thus, the project will allow the consolidation of vacant areas within the urban area and densify the urban center.Item Open Access Propuesta para la implementación de un modelo de costos estándar, para la empresa Tinflex S.A. en la ciudad de Quito(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-09) Jarrín Núñez, Israel MarceloThe main objective of this report is the proposal for the implementation of a standard cost model for the company Tinflex, which is located in the province of Pichincha, canton Quito, Pifo Parish, which will be used as a support tool to verify and manage the costs of materials implemented in the manufacture of the products, which will be taken as a standard information that allows the company to make the best decisions quickly that will agree to the company to grow in the domestic market. The research has three chapters, which were drafted in a clear way for easy understanding for readers. Within the first chapter it has a theoretical description of all the concepts implemented in the research, with bibliographical sources that allow to validate the terms used in the course of the research project. In the second chapter the diagnosis was made, in which the situation was verified that the company currently maintains, in the same it was possible to find and to show the problems with which it counts and through this it was possible to structure the elements to be used in the present project. In the third chapter the exercise of the standard cost model was developed in four of the main products offered by the company, through this cost model, the company will have easy verification of accounting in each of the processes to avoid waste of the elements and increase production, in addition shows the development of the standard accounting period of June 2017. Finally, after completing the chapters, an in depth analysis is carried out to determine the conclusions and recommendations obtained in the research.Item Open Access Estudio sobre los procesos de comunicación organizacional en los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados parroquiales rurales de Santa Catalina de Salinas, Ambuquí, la Carolina y Lita(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-09) Maldonado Mina, Mónica LucelyThe communication process developed in the governments of the parishes of Salinas, Ambuquí, La Carolina and Lita aren’t effective, it causes that the communities not always know that is happening of each parishes about some projects, activities or events by these government institutions, therefore we must have a communication systems. The organization of the Strategic Communication Plan is intended to establish participatory information processes that support the management of the communication system, and strengthen the image and identity of Gad and improve the spaces of participation and organization driven by these entities through clear, inclusive and transparent communication. For the design of this plan, the situation of GAD and citizenship was analyzed, needs and the place that crosses communication and its context through internal and external diagnosis (analysis FODA, side observation and interviews that had admitted investigating and determining because of the results, It raises an indispensable proposal in these parishes to solve the problems.Item Open Access Diseño de un circuito ciclístico en el cantón Ibarra, para conectar el parque Ciudad Blanca con el espacio público ubicado en la zona de influencia, concluyendo con el diseño de la micro terminal tipo, y la esquematización de los nodos de articulación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra, 2017-09) Muñoz Checa, Álvaro FernandoIbarra is a city with an eminently young population, dedicated especially to commerce, in the territory it is possible to meet with several universities that concentrate a high number of people in search of a professional title or simply work in shops located within the city. These people have been demonstrating through social groups, in search of alternatives to the problems facing Ibarra in terms of mobility; Currently there are social groups aimed at promoting these alternatives, which are crystalli zed in cycle night walks or sports cycling activities. This is how the need to organize this activity was born, strengthening its de velopment through the promotion of Ciclovías planning, a highly competitive subject due to the multiple consequences that can affect the benefit of urban life, as estimated by other cultures of the first world. Once the need to implement a better mobility system has been determined, this project aims to find the main guidelines to solve medium and long-term needs through the articulation of circuits that run throughout the city and in estimation of a pilot plan. it is intended to develop base strategies that allow improving flows within the roads in the canton. Once the structuring of the planning is completed, it is intended to develop the architectural guidelines to implement necessary equipment for the provision of urban services according to the places where they will be located.Item Open Access Análisis de los titulares publicados a través de la red social facebook del grupo el comercio y universo a partir del segundo semestre de 2016(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-10) Moreno Gudiño, Bryan PatricioThe writing of headlines constitutes a substantial activity in contemporary journalistic practice. Nevertheless, it also represents a compositional trait scarcely investigated by the Academy, in spite of the functional value that it has developed during the last two decades in the digital scene. Therefore, this study is based on the direct observation of the paratextual publications of the Ecuadorian cybermedia El Comercio and El Universo and its informational development through the virtual interaction network Facebook. For this purpose, the stylistic pragma traits and hypermedia components derived from cybertitlers were examined for 184 days to determine the degree of compliance with the norms of formal standardization of the Spanish language and the use of the multidimensional attributes of the Semantic Network. Also, these properties provided suggestive elements for the constitution of a textbook of titles in a rigorous, fragmented and diligent consumer ecosystem. Finally, these characteristics allowed also to interpret the content viralization chain from the usual management of the posts in the national context.Item Open Access Plan estratégico para albergues temporales en el cantón Ibarra y diseño de un prototipo de vivienda montable y desmontable ante un evento adverso(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-10) Yaranga Cabascango, Luis JavierThe degree work “Strategic plan for temporary shelters in Ibarra City and desing of a mountable and dismountable housing prototype before an adverse event” it's a answer for a problem contextualization: Imbabura is a province that, according to historical antecedents, has been considered a vulnerable sector to adverse events (incidents, emergencies, and natural disasters or anthropic). According the publication dated October 20, 2012 of “Diario el Norte” newspaper, manifests: Imbabura, is the third province in Ecuador with the greatest vulnerability in terms of landslides, floods, volcanic eruptions and geological faults The “Secretaría Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos (SNGR)” affirms that it doesn´t yet have a National Plan for Risk Reduction articulated to the National Plan of “Buen vivir”. It´s recommended to have a National Emergency Plan and contingency plans for threats, impact scenarios and other tools for reduction, recovery and response" (SNGR, 2013-2014, page 179). It´s so can be seen that Imbabura province is vulnerable, because there isn´t a population proper preparation in disasters, to this added the underlying factors such as poverty, factor that still prevails. For justification is considered The Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomies and Decentralization (COOTAD), states that "in case of serious emergencies, caused by natural disasters, urgent and transitory measures must be dictated". As well as, in the National Development Plan for Buen Vivir 2009-2013, it´s mentioned: “guarantee the rights of nature and promote a healthy and sustainable environment”. Also the “Secretaría Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos (SNGR)” indicates that its necessary L . J A V I E R Y A R A N G A C . / T R A B A J O D E T I T U L A C I Ó N Página X “reduce social and environmental vulnerability in the face of the effects produced by natural and anthropic processes that generate risks”. This investigation satisfies the evidenced requirements in which the direct beneficiaries will be citizens in general. It´s important to note that the information in this research is a contribution to subsequent investigations. Citizens and authorities may have an emergency strategic plan that includes development guide lines for the Temporary Shelter in which the people harmed by an adverse event, know where they have to go after it. Understanding that housing in some cases can become an element of comfort difficult to achieve and more when people have an emergency, disaster or natural catastrophe, a prototype of movable, removable and transportable housing is designed, which will encourage government entities to allocate budget to develop a project that can face adverse events for the benefit of affected citizens.Item Open Access Diseño arquitectónico de un observatorio cultural mediante la rehabilitación patrimonial del antiguo hospital San Vicente de Paúl, integrado a un circuito histórico cultural en la ciudad de Ibarra(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra, 2017-10) Rodríguez Andrade, Ramiro DavidIntemational and national legislation mention the importance and demand to safeguard works in which civilization manifests its greatest expression and identity and that these are in danger. This is how the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, in Article 62 mentions that culture is the heritage of the people and constitutes an essential element of their identity. The State will promote and stimulate culture, establish permanentpolicies for the conservation, restoration, protection and respect of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. For these purposes, the historic center of Ibarra was declared a cultural heritage in 1983 by the National Institute of Cultural Heritage of Ecuador, which reveals the importance of conserving these assets that are considered as heritage, conforming a high percentage of tourist and cultural offer for its function as attractive. At present, the growing deterioration of the historic center is a consequence of the process of modernization and expansion that every city bears. The facilities have tended to develop in areas outside the limits of the center, losing the opportunity to promote conservation and maintain centrality: causing the loss of cultural identity, the weakening of cultura! activities and the deterioration of public space due to lack of accessibility and mobility. This is how the proposal of a cultural historical circuit was born whose main purpose is the revitalization of public space, putting in value the buildings that make it up. Being connected, they reinforce the functional and spatial interaction that exists between public space and heritage real estate. The circuit integrates the main buildings that by their function and form show the cultural heritage, each of them being a support and complement to the architectural proposal, which is based on recovering relevant buildings, such as the old hospital San Vicente de Paul, proposing a cultural observatory that covers the deficit of cultural equipment, generates tourism, conserves local identity and disseminates cultural heritage.Item Open Access Propuesta urbano - arquitectónica de un eje cultural en el sector San Eloy, límite de las ciudades Yachay y Urcuquí(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-10) Cevallos Ormaza, José PatricioThe bachelor work aims to promote the cultural heritage of the Urcuquí canton through a contemporary proposal of a Cultural Axis using ancestral conceptual bases. The work begins with the collection of information, the analysis of humanistic, urban and architectural aspects that allow to determine the existing problem, its causes, effects and alternative solutions. The study area is determined by means of a thorough and detailed investigation of the natural and artificial physical aspect, thus identifying the causes for the loss and deterioration of the cultural heritage of the canton is the absence of physical spaces destined to the development of cultural activities in small and large scale. The Cultural Axis is the proposal of a path, from which public spaces destined for cultural activities are generated, beginning with the administrative area, followed by the museum, art exhibition halls, restaurant and lodging, library, auditorium; until you reach the cultural square where they are located, the cultural centre and the artistic scene. The location and disposition of each one of the equipment previously exposed respond to the functional abstraction of the Andean cosmovision. Applying ancestral knowledge such as fractal analytical geometry, the projection of solstices and the line of wisdom as ordering elements: in the urban design of the cultural axis, the architectural form of the cultural centre and the artistic scene. Through a tour in a natural environment, surrounded by vegetation and water mirrors. The aim is for the visitor to explore each of the spaces, making him a participant in cultural activities that take place in open or closed spaces, strengthening the social coexistence between the community, visitors and others involved with the natural and built environment.Item Open Access Análisis de los medios alternativos que utilizan las juntas de protección para la restitución de derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes de la zona uno(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-10) Ortega Rubio, Rosa CristinaIn an investigative work, the most important aspect is the learning that generates, the learning of the "Analysis of the alternative means used by the Boards of Protection of Rights for the restitution of the rights of children and teenagers in the cantons of Urcuquí, Montúfar and Sucumbíos "are found in the four chapters that make up the present investigation. In the first one, which corresponds to the Theoretical Framework, we study the origin and conceptualization of the alternative means, which constitute the object of study; in addition, the Ecuadorian legislature that protects children and adolescents, which also encompasses the object of study and, of course, explains the functions of the Boards and the Rights Protection Council. The diagnosis, which corresponds to the second chapter, contains the research methodology used in this work is qualitative. For this purpose, the Research, Action, Participation method, mainly proposed by Falls Borda, was used in conjunction with the CRES process: Awareness, Recognition, Understanding and Awareness. Orality, dialogue, communication between peers that emerged in the participatory workshops (representing the instruments used in the research) and interviews (techniques), integrated the information obtained, for analysis. The direct observation was also another of the techniques that helped to experience and to know in a close way, the reality of each canton as far as its forms of communication and the rights of the childhood and adolescence. The third chapter, which presents a guide that contains the community communication campaigns designed by children, adolescents, teachers and members of the Board and Rights Protection Council, is the most relevant proposal because it reaffirms the importance of alternative means. The guide is called "Semillero de Experiencias", precisely because it compiles the communal and community experiences of the participatory workshops (research methodology), in which all social actors and those who carried out the research felt ownership and determination because the campaigns come to run. The fourth chapter presents an analysis of communicational, social and educational impacts generated by research; in addition to a general analysis that contributes to a prospective of the scope and results that can cause the knowledge and execution of this research in the work of the protection and restitution of the rights of any social sector that is identified in the parishes, cantons, peoples of the country and Latin America.Item Open Access Estudio histórico comunicacional de los pueblos afro ecuatorianos asentados en el valle del chota y salinas en las últimas cuatro décadas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-10) Noboa Chalá, Ángel AndrésA historical study - communication of the afro culture Ecuadorian in the Valle del Chota y Salinas in the last four decades aims to collect sufficient information on oral traditions that long-lived people of black people who are settled in the province of Imbabura maintain and file them in digital format, ensuring that its dissemination be maintained and don't miss time. Considering that this would put at risk the afro culture imbabureña threatening local and national recognition. In this context he started with a bibliographic compilation of scientific content that direccionaron each of the stages of the research to continue field work allowing the necessary data that will develop and convey a cultural magazine radio at a community radio station in the area that at first you will be directed to the inhabitants of the sector, with the objective of revitalizing the culture in the black people so that it become the best Ambassador of its rich history - cultural. Each of the activities developed in a systematic manner, giving order and consistency, especially in the Organization of primary information obtained from population identified as suitable. To conclude the possible impacts that the implementation and development of the proposal could generate in the community, public and the author, without ignoring the important contribution that the University House carries out through its faculty were evaluated in performance the author. Thus the establishment of the conclusions and recommendations will be commensurate with the expectations of stakeholders.Item Open Access La eficacia probatoria del testimonio anticipado en delitos de violación sexual(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2017-10) Jaramillo Proaño, María BelénThe anticipated testimony received in the previous investigation; in relation to the veracity of the testimony of the victim (child, girl or adolescent) of the crime of rape; When there are no material vestiges of the occurrence of the crime, it implies the impossibility of finding indications of the commission's commitment. In the first moments after the crime, the justice operators who receive the testimony from the complaint to the hearing, implies the revictimization of the children or adolescents. In this context, the testimony of the victim of this crime has been treated superficially by legislation, jurisprudence and Ecuadorian doctrine. Leaving this tool in contrast to the rights recognized both for the victim and for who is going to be investigated by the Attorney General's Office. Mainly the right to non-revictimization of victims and the right of the suspect or investigated to be part of the cross-examination when the advance testimony is received. Sexual crimes against children and adolescents are generally committed in hiding and far from the eyes of other people. In this sense, the victims of the crime will be responsible for helping to reconstruct the truth of the crime of which they were victims, serving this testimony as a determining test for the conviction of the judge. Hence, the reception of the testimony and its probative value is analyzed by the effects and the repercussions that it has at the moment of being valued by the judges who will take cognizance of the case. Thus, this problem is addressed from the different conflicting edges by the collision of constitutional rights of both the victim and the researched. It is important to give an account of how the Ecuadorian criminal procedure system and jurisprudence have addressed these issues from the jurisprudential development, as well as the legal provisions that are the basis for application by the administrators of justice.Item Open Access Rehabilitación arquitectónica del antiguo colegio Teodoro Gómez de la Torre para un hotel temático de educación y cultura integrado a una red urbana turística(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra, 2017-10) Cifuentes Andrango, Doris PatriciaIn the Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy and Decentralization, in the National Plan of Good Living and the Ordinance that regulates the Use and Occupation of the Land of the City of Ibarra, reference is made to the importance of the planning of the cities, the interterritorial equity, territorial organization of the state and allocation of competencies and resources that guarantee the balanced development of all territories, equal opportunities and access to public services; It also consolidates common meeting spaces and strengthen national identity, diverse identities, plurinationality and interculturality in Historic Centers. The meaning of the rescue of the Historic Center for the conservation of cities and the culture in which it must be rescued and transmitted from generation to generation, the recovery of these places represents a cultural, educational, economic and social impulse that means an important point in planning and development of cities. The rehabilitation of the Old Teodoro Gómez de la Torre School and the integration of a tourist urban network represents the rescue of the urban image, and the integration of very important spaces and buildings. Through the analysis of the problem, needs and diagnosis, you can make an architectural proposal, the rehabilitation of the most significant buildings by their function and the architecture of the time to generate a thematic accommodation equipment that allows the promotion of cultural tourism and the recovery and enhancement of the integrated urban area in the central part of the Historic Center. The process of consolidation that has led to the Historic Center has been very notorious for the increase in trade and the decrease in residential activity that has it as a result, traffic congestion and the deterioration of buildings. The number of abandoned properties in a state of deterioration has been increased, it is necessary to rescue repairs and both architectural and urban proposals that promote cultural tourism in order to redeem our identity and revitalize the place, with constructions with innovative proposals, incorporation and improvement of public space, for a social interaction and appropriation of space by users. It is important to show how attractive the historic center of the city is for its architecture, customs, traditions, gastronomy, among others; It is also necessary to rehabilitate buildings with modern ideas for activities that promote cultural tourism with new lodging and attractive features, to eliminate the concept of Ibarra as a transit city.