Rediscovery of Rubus pendulus Rusby (Rosaceae) and a new record for the flora of Ecuador

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PUCE - Quito
A new record of Rubus for Ecuador is described. Rubus pendulus Rusby is a climbing shrub or vine originally described from Huila in Colombia 90 years ago. Here, we report seven new localities in Ecuador where this species grows. Rubus pendulus is morphologically differentiated from all the Ecuadorian Rubus species and a detailed botanical description, illustrations and photographs are provided. This is the first time that R. pendulus’ stipules and flowers are described, as they were unavailable in the original description. We also report possible hybridization between R. urticifolius Poir. and R. pendulus, as the samples reviewed showed mixed characteristics from both species.
Plantas - Clasificación, Plantas trepadoras, Rosaceae, Rubus urticifolius Poir, Rubus pendulus Rusby, Hibridación vegetal, Morfometría