Teaching english with the ludic methodology to children in the second basic grade at "Velasco Ibarra School" in Esmeraldas city Ecuador

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Though efforts have been made by the Ministry of Education concerning the introduction of English Teaching in the Ecuadorian school at all levels, the English teachers of the Second Basic Grade at “Velasco Ibarra” school, Esmeraldas city, Ecuador, have some methodological difficulties that make it hard to carry out the teaching learning process successfully. The purpose of this investigation was to propose a handbook with games to improve the English Language Learning of students from the level referred. A diagnosis of the problem was made by means of observation and surveys applied to students and teachers, during the academic year 2013-2014. After computing the results, a handbook with games was designed based on the learning needs of the students and the methodological difficulties of the teachers. The games were designed carefully, matching the content units of the textbook for Second Graders, and taking into consideration the didactic components, principles and laws. Precise methodological orientations were also designed for the English Teachers to work with the handbook in order to achieve good results. The handbook allows an increase of interaction, motivation, stimulation, and activation of learning. Besides, it helps the students develop the four principal abilities of the English language by means of fun and pleasant situations that are adequate for children.
Estupinan Jaramillo, Evelin Dayana: "Teaching english with the ludic methodology to children in the second basic grade at "Velasco Ibarra School" in Esmeraldas city Ecuador" ;79 p. ; Tesisprevia obtención del título de Licenciada en Lingüística Aplicada mención Enseñanza en Inglés