
Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    El aprendizaje cooperativo como estrategia para desarrollar la habilidad de hablar inglés en los estudiantes del primer año de Bachillerato General Unificado de la Unidad Educativa Rumipamba, año lectivo 2016-2017
    (PUCE Ibarra, 2018-11) Chuquín Cuatis, María Rosa Marlene; Beltrán Cevallos, Ana Julia
    El presente trabajo de investigación se enfocó en el aprendizaje cooperativo para los estudiantes del primer año de Bachillerato General Unificado (BGU) de la "Unidad Educativa Rumipamba". Este documento tiene información relevante que ha sido útil para llevar a cabo este proyecto que hace uso de principios y conceptos notorios de autores famosos, permite determinar el problema que causa la falta de habilidades de comunicación por parte de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Rumipamba, se da énfasis al aprendizaje cooperativo y sus procedimientos para ser aplicado a los estudiantes con el propósito de tener un buen entendimiento sobre el trabajo de grupo y sus fortalezas cuando sean aplicados por los maestros en sus clases de inglés. Además, cuenta con tres impactos; educativo, social y ético. Los impactos son notables en esta investigación porque su consolidación de resultados tiene un impacto Alto Positivo, lo cual es excelente y será recompensado por el éxito.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Implementation of scaffolding methodology in academic writing for improving the redaction in english about preliminary publications applied to students enrolled in 5th English level at Centro Académico de Idiomas (CAI) at Universidad Técnica del Norte Ibarra - Ecuador
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-01) López Intriago, Linda Lisette
    The objective of this research was the implementation of the Scaffold methodology as a support for the improvement of the academic writing focused on the writing of preliminary publications or Abstracts written by university students enrolled in 5th level who complete their degrees and whose abstracts have lack of Scientific rigor than those presented by scientists or research experts. Through the Scaffolding methodology, three formative rubrics were applied, which were categorized into three stages of research: self-reflection, peer evaluation and self-evaluation, applied independently in the initial, intermediate and final phases to provide sustained support in the program created for writing Scholarly Abstracts. It was evidenced multiple problems based on transductive reasoning and lack of training for the redaction of Abstracts in an academic program contemplated for the students enrolled in the last English level of different faculties at Universidad Técnica del Norte – UTN in Ibarra city. Additionally, it was created a protocol as a guideline for writing preliminary publications that were applied on 264 students who represented the population sample, and who followed a guide according to the phases contemplated in the methodology Scaffolding, an organized process in sequence to recognize the micro structure where was analyzed the style of writing and macro structure where the academic disciplines were studied to write an Abstract or preliminary publication of a research carried out at higher educational level.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Incidencia del método comunicativo en el desarrollo de la producción oral del idioma inglés en los estudiantes del nivel A2 del programa anglo de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-04) Chasi, Martha Zenaida
    This research demonstrates the influence of the Communicative Method in the teaching - learning process of English-speaking skill at the UTC. The incidence of the techniques based on the Communicative Method was determined in the improvement of this important skill. Three methods, techniques and instruments were considered for the intervention. These allowed obtaining data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis showed improvement in speaking skills after applying a Cambridge test. With the observation guide an improvement of 1.88 points was evidenced according to the T-student test. When applying the T-student test with the data obtained with the content analysis table, the improvement showed a reduction of 9 errors on average. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient shows a correlation of (0, 586 **), which showed the bilateral relationship between variables. All these results in addition to those obtained in a teacher interview demonstrated the positive impact of the project. It was concluded that the project contributes positively, and it is recommended to continue investigating this method from another perspective.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Análisis del desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa oral en los estudiantes del segundo nivel de nuevo proyecto de la facultad de enfermería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Esmeraldas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-10) Reshetina Platonovna, Natalia Borisovna
    The research focuses on the analysis of using technological resources that support the CALL method, in the process of teaching English language learning, mostly in the development of English communicative competence. The learning with the use of technological resources, allows the development from an innovative perspective, of practicing the English language, which motivates the students to learn and express themselves orally from the new technologies, therefore the research emphasizes the need for professors of PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA SEDE ESMERALDAS, to know and use these resources that can facilitate the teaching of communicative competence in the English language, through collaborative learning and various resources on the Internet, which most young people currently use, enriching The teaching-learning process in addition to generating greater motivation with the student. The research collects the results of the diagnostician study carried out, where relevant results were got such as that it is necessary to promote among teachers and students, the need to use new didactic and interactive resources, for teaching the English language, if it is considered that the majority affirms that does not use in the classroom to practice exercises according to the subject taught by the teacher, so it is required that the subject of English, will be more creative and innovative, taking advantage of having internet and great technological support. It is essential to implement and encourage the use of new resources and articulate them, for the teaching of English based on training and education, which allows teachers to become familiar with the new technologies. This work supports the importance of the use of ICTs as innovative teaching resources that connect to the necessity in the field of student knowledge and practice. A Technological Resources Guide is proposed for the development of the communicative competence that supports the CALL method in learning the English language.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Incidencia de estrategias interactivas audiovisuales en la enseñanza del idioma inglés en los estudiantes de octavo año de básica de la Unidad Educativa Zuleta
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2019-07) Sandoval Carlosama, Carmen Adela
    The present work of investigation “Incidence of audio-visual interactive strategies in the teaching of the English Language for the eighth year students of GBE at Unidad Educativa Zuleta” has been done with the main purpose of contributing positively in the teaching -learning process. This study provides relevant concepts from different authors and sources that have been extremely helpful to strengthen the investigator’s knowledge, thus, all of the criteria gathered in the theoretical framework will provide the lectors with remarkable information that can be taking into account for teachers in their English classes. A well designed methodology has been used to establish the causes, determine the research’s problem and the effects that appear after considering the problem as the fact to be solved, regarding to data collection, methods and techniques as the survey and the observation class made the investigation reliable to obtain remarkable information to find the best instruments to solve the found problem. There is a proposal with many elements that make the investigation profitable talking in academic terms, making use of activities and strategies to determine the incidence in the teaching learning process. The investigation considered three impacts to be studied; social, educational and ethical, demonstrating that these impacts will support positively in the actions carried out throughout the investigation. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are also established.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Estudio de los niveles de motivación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la destreza de la comunicación oral en el programa de inglés de la universidad técnica del Cotopaxi en el cantón de Latacunga, 2015
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-03) Romero Palacios, Amparo de Jesús
    From a pedagogical perspective, the teaching and learning a foreign language requires motivational methodological strategies of psychological, sociological and pedagogical in order to generate an effective instruction, so that students know what to do and how to the language use and that must have knowledge and skills to do so. The absence results in students a lack of motivation toward English learning. The project aims to study the levels of motivation in this process where the skill of the oral communication task-based are viewing as the way to achieve communicative actions guided by the discourse theory to make effective the English Program in “Languages Cultural Center”. The survey was applied as a research technique for both students and teachers together to multivariate analysis. The data showed that the absence of motivation for oral communication in students is related to the lack of an active perspective in class and enable area to the interest of the subjects addressed; teachers do not have greater knowledge to apply methodological innovations. The implementation of this proposal should lead to changes in student behavior related to attention, interest, creativity, the imagination of the students, and the participation in the curriculum construction; the empirical perspective of the proposal shall be equipped with a scientific gaze through the construction theory of the discourse of Van Dijk and its concepts of model of the context and mental representation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Plataforma virtual EDMODO para el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en los estudiantes de primero de bachillerato del colegio fiscal 5 de Agosto del cantón Esmeraldas en el año lectivo 2014-2015
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, 2018-01) Banguera Rojas, Javier Alejandro
    Virtual platforms have become tools which let students to enhance their ability to discover, interact and work in group from different places and moments of learning and interaction, as well as from different subjects, as is the case, of English language learning. The present research deals with the study of the "EDMODO" VIRTUAL PLATFORM FOR THE LEARNING OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH STUDENTS OF FIRST OF BACHILLERATO AT “5 DE AGOSTO” PUBLIC SCHOOL IN ESMERALDAS DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014 - 2015, with the purpose of proposing strategies which let us as teachers to optimally use the platform, managing their applications to teach the different English language skills. Its main offering is precisely to contribute to the development of meaningful learning in a creative and innovative way. A proposal to incorporate the platform as a didactic resource from new curricular planning, the microcurricular design of learning situations based on activities in the platform. In this way, an evaluative diagnostic study was carried out with students and teachers permit to verify the needs, requirements, concerns with respect to the use of the platform, as premises for the development of the proposal as well as the importance and necessity that the teachers can update, learn and train in the use of ICT to obtain positive results at the time of use. Also important is the readjustment of the physical teaching environments for the possible implementation of these means as is the case of the EDMODO platform. Finally, the study of impacts demonstrated the feasibility of the proposal and its multiple benefits.