Dominguez Viteri, Alberto Francisco2023-12-052023-12-052018-02-02 previa obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Lingüística Aplicada mención InglésThis study aims to determine the positive influence that multiple intelligences develop in the Applied Linguistic School students’ oral skills. First, it is important to define what the multiple intelligences are, and why they can change the educational system, as it is explained in this investigation. Then, with this information, it is important to look for what are the common problems that the students of the fifth level of Applied Linguistics School at PUCESE have in their oral skills. Concluding the investigation determining what are the predominating intelligences among these students. This investigation is a quantitative study with a descriptive scope done in Esmeraldas City, during the first semester of 2017. The sample was composed of 30 students that belong to the fifth level of the Applied Linguistics School at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, at Esmeraldas’ campus, to whom a survey was applied. The results show that the predominating intelligences among the Applied Linguistics School students are Interpersonal and Verbal/Linguistics Intelligences as first predominating intelligence, then as second predominating intelligence is the Verbal/ Linguistics Intelligence, finally the third predominating intelligence are Visual/Spatial and Intrapersonal Intelligence. Through this investigation it is possible to conclude that students of this school have problems with their skills that are based on practice and pronunciation. To solve these problems, I have carried out an investigation about the Multiple Intelligences and how it can be useful to the teacher in order to think of strategies and ways to achieve that students learn and feel comfortable in the classroom. This investigation shows the importance of the use of Multiple Intelligences more than ever because it is the best way to make that students learn.en-MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES; ORAL SKILLS; TEACHING METHODS; LEARNING STYLES.MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE APPLIED LINGUISTICS SCHOOL STUDENTS ORAL SKILLS AT PUCE ESMERALDAS, 2017Thesis