Toro Salazar, Luis AnibalGarces Villacrés, Mónica Alexandra2023-11-222023-11-222010Garces Villacrés, Mónica Alexandra. (2010). Games and fun activities to improve the pronunciation of the english sounds . TESIS (Diploma Superior en Metodologías Comunicativas del Idioma Inglés) - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Departamento de investigación, Posgrado y Autoevaluación.85048 Introduction 2. theoretical Frame 3. Games and fun activitiesin other to understand English in a better way, both spoken and written ways; the most valuable aspect to be paid attention with our students is pronunciation. Pronunciatiobn involves far more than individual sounds. Word stress, sentence stress, intonation and word linking all influence the sounds of spoken English. This work has been done in order to help students to improve the pronunciation of the English sounds not only by knowwing some important topics such as: linguistics, phonetics, the vocal tract, vowels, consonants, phonology, strees, intonation, etc.engopenAccessDIPLOMA SUPERIOR EN METODOLOGÍAS COMUNICATIVAS DEL IDIOMA INGLÉSLINGUISTICS, PHONETICS, THE VOCAL TRACT, VOWELS, CONSONANTS, PHONOLOGY, STREES, INTONATIONGames and fun activities to improve the pronunciation of the english soundsbachelorThesis