Andrade Sánchez, Carla Alejandra2023-12-052023-12-052016-11-25 previa obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Lingüística Aplicada mención InglésIn order to analyze how songs may contribute to the improvement of the English language teaching-learning process in the sixth level Basic Education Students at “Francés” Private Educational Institution in Esmeraldas, a descriptive investigation was carried out by using the deduction and induction methods, the analysis and synthesis and the hermeneutic method; besides, some techniques such as observation and surveys were applied to a population of 30 students of the sixth level of Basic Education at “Francés” Private Educational Institution, whose ages varied from nine to ten years old; also, the participation of the English teacher of these students was required. The results revealed that the students enjoy listening to songs during their English lessons; they feel relaxed and motivated to learn English after singing and listening to a song. The English teacher uses songs in her lessons, however, there is a lack of knowledge about how to apply the songs in the class. Therefore, the teacher did not use neither a methodology for using the song in the class nor a song related to the vocabulary of the unit. This research coincided with a number of investigations done in relation with the use of the Ludic Methodology, making emphasis on the use of games, drama, and songs, but not with the use of songs as a methodology to teach the contents of the textbook. That is why some methodological orientations for using songs in the sixth level of Basic Education students at “Francés” Private Educational Institution in Esmeraldas were provided as a proposal of this investigation.en- SONGS, LUDIC METHODOLOGY, ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING - LEARNING PROCESS, METHODOLOGICAL ORIENTATIONS, TEACHING CHILDRENThe use of songs in the english language teaching-learningprocess of the 6th level basic education students at “FRANCÉS” Private Educational Institution In Esmeraldas, 2016Thesis