Curiel Ávila, Adriana BeatrizArízala Quinto, Miguel Ángel2023-11-252023-11-252021-11-186241 aim of this research is to explore the vocabulary world that lies behind the art “street” of tattooing. With the purpose of setting a frame of leaning strategies capable of trespassing the aforementioned lexis in a suitable and academic way to a group of EFL learners. The methodology has a descriptive character and the population taken into consideration for the development of this project was the artists from the different tattoo studios in the city. The terminology used by them in their field of work was collected through a structured interview which was once outlined within categories in order to be taught weekly through the staging of various vocabulary learning strategies. The results indicate that these strategies can be used, as long as they are adapted to the specific needs of each group. It is concluded then, that there is in fact a specific jargon within the world of tattooing and that the limited number of courses offered, creates a fertile field that could be exploited in the future with the purpose of academicizing the urban art of tattooing and all the lexicon that this entails.enLENGUA INGLESARECONOCIMIENTO DE PALABRASVOCABULARIOEnglish vocabulary learning strategies for an ESP tattooing coursemasterThesis