Acosta Rodas, Mónica PamelaRamos Galarza, Carlos Alberto2023-11-042023-11-042021-01-212194-535710.1007/978-3-030-68017-6_30 Latin American countries, it has been noticed that a high percentage of university students experience negative feelings such as fear, rejection, and inadequate beliefs about the contents taught in statistical courses, resulting in avoidant behaviors towards their learning and student’s low performance. The majority of students are able to obtain the minimum grade required to pass the subject, but, in the end, they do not obtain significant knowledge. This fact has caused many professions in Latin American countries, especially those related to social and human sciences, to show a scientific delay. It is identifiable by the low rankings achieved by these countries in scientific production. In this context, this work focuses on the solutions that computer science offers and must be considered to improve the experience of learning statistics. In this sense, misconceptions, avoidant behaviors, and negative beliefs towards learning statistics, would be reverted for students and future professionals, as well as the improvement of inappropriate emotional reactions about learning statistical skills. Thanks to technological advances, for example, applications and social networks, which nowadays determine Latin American university student’s daily-life behavior.OpenAccessEducación superiorEstadísticaBajo rendimientoAprendizajeThe fear of learning statistics in Latin America: computational solutions