Wilson, Yeilly Yisselle2023-12-052023-12-052016-05-06https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/37808Tesis previa obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Lingüística Aplicada mención InglésThis report is written based on the job training done by the writer as an English teacher. This report seeks to describe the process of developing productive skills by using games and to describe the effectiveness of using them in the development of the same to the tenth grade students at the Educational Institution Rioverde in Rioverde. Being English an important tool nowadays for different areas of development, is not only the teachers job that is requires here is a group job which includes learners interest, opinion, learning styles, environment, possibilities, likes and dislikes. A series of important things that leads to a better management to have control, teach and learn at the same time in order to reach the goal. The data of this report was collected by observation, interview to teachers, survey to students and the experience when the writer taught English lesson. The observation was done in the class; as a result, the report reveals that applying games in teaching English to the children give some effective benefits, especially in teaching English skills. Although, the point was also, to demonstrate that using games into the classroom leads to; order ideas, give importance to learners’ opinions and the predisposition as same as motivation to work and learn at the same time. More to the point, it gives the teacher the opportunity to be attentive on what works better and what not as it help to order, evaluate and check were any problem can result without planning before. Finally, as teaching English skills to the young learners is very important, the writer can say that, the idea was caught, the learners demonstrate interest, pleasant and means for learning using games, and to affirm that, Game is the effective method to be applied in the English class.en-US- ABILITIES, LEARNING, FOREIGN LANGUAGEThe effectiveness of games on the development of productive skills of students from 10th year of basic education at Rioverde educational institution in Rioverde canton school year 2014-2015Thesis