Bolaños Valencia, Maira Alejandra2023-12-052023-12-052016-07-01 previa obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Lingüística Aplicada mención InglésThe teaching of the English Language has had difficulties in the different levels of Education in Ecuador, so the teachers of English in the senior second- year students from Organizational Secretariat Management at “Margarita Cortés” Educational Institution in the city of Esmeraldas have had methodological difficulties for the teaching of this language. The purpose of this research was to design a set of exercises to improve the ability of speaking in these students. A diagnosis was performed through a survey which was applied to teachers during the Academic Course 2014-2015.After getting the results, a group of exercises were designed, to contribute to the improvement of the ability of speaking in these students, and the methodology to teach the exercises. The exercises designed were integrated to those of the text book used by the students. The exercises improved the ability of speaking in the mentioned students, a meaningful learning was developed during the lessons, the students and the teachers were motivated to do the exercises, the teachers were updated prepared in the teaching of this ability. The integration of the four abilities of the English Language was fulfilled by means of an interesting and motivating way not only for the students but also for the teacheres- ABILITY, METHODOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES TEACHING ENGLISH, LANGUAGEImproving the ability of speaking in second year baccalaureate students from organizational secretariat management at “Margarita Cortes” Educational Institutionin Esmeraldas City 2014-2015Thesis