Saud Viteri, Dara2023-12-052023-12-052019-08-07 previa obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Lingüística Aplicada mención InglésA quantitative- qualitative investigation was carried out to design a didactic material to teach English for specific purposes to the 8th level students of the Hospitality and Tourism School at PUCE Esmeraldas in the year 2018. The methods used were Analysis and Synthesis to deep on the necessary bibliography for the investigation, the techniques used was a survey which was applied to students of the mentioned career. The population was formed by 20 students and it coincided with the sample. The results showed that the students previously mentioned, present difficulties in the use of the specific communicative functions specific and the specific vocabulary for the speciality, because of the lack of exercises the teachers provide them in the classroom, as it was not documented in the programme or syllabus, the students had poor vocabulary in relation to their level and were not able to use the communicative functions appropriately. It was demonstrated that with the exercises planned, students could improve their linguistic level considerably. Through these exercises learning turned to be more meaningful and significant and motivation increased for the development of all the language skills.en-US- : LEXICON, APPROPRIATE, WIDESPREAD, ENGLISH FOR TOURISTIC PURPOSESDIDACTIC MATERIAL TO TEACH ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) TO 8th LEVEL STUDENTS OF THE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM SCHOOL AT PUCE ESMERALDAS, 2018Thesis