Pico Parra, Tannya KarinaSánchez del Hierro, María AntonietaAcuña, JairoCzajkowski, Jorge D.Pico Parra, Tannya KarinaSánchez del Hierro, María Antonieta2023-11-042023-11-04https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4290Ecuador presents four specific climates: Coast, Andes, Amazonia and Galapagos. This paper discusses the interest of solar cooling systems implementation in each case. The hot and humid climate of the Coast and Amazonia is similar to other tropical and equatorial climates where these techniques have been tested and described widely. Besides, the Andean climate of Quito (2800 meters above the sea level) and the very constrained conditions of Galapagos Islands are not yet well documented. This paper sets some guidelines for furthest research in the Ecuadorian contexts.OpenAccessSolar Cooling in the Ecuadorian Contexts