Intriago Ferrín, Ruth Desireé2023-12-052023-12-052020-11-18 previa obtención del título de Magister en Pedagogía del Inglés como Lengua ExtranjeraThe present article pretend to analyze strategies to include a visually impaired student to the English class is an essential point to take into account in the teaching-learning process since in recent years inclusion of visually impaired students in regular schools has been implemented by the government. In order to improve the strategies that teachers must use to include a visually impaired student to the English class in Atacames High School, a case of study was carried out using the method of analysis and synthesis; Moreover, the observation technique was applied to one student of 3rd senior level, since was found just one case in this high school. The results revealed that despite of she has a visual impairment she all the time wanted to participate in class and provide ideas of how she wanted to be assessed, in addition, she always was worried about how she could do the homework at home and she was one of the students with more participation during the class. Sometimes she refused to participate in activities that she noticed were difficult for her because of her visual impairment but the teacher looked for different strategies or ways to work with her at the same time, with the same activities and topics as the other students. This research coincided with a series of investigations related to the inclusion of visually impaired students emphasizing the use of adjustments to the curricular activities, as well as the adapted didactic materials since are essential to provide equal learning. In conclusion, despite teachers have not been trained, they need to be sure that visually impaired student was included in the English class using different strategies.en- INCLUSION, VISUAL IMPAIRMENT, STRATEGIES, TECHNIQUES, ADJUSTMENTS, EQUAL LEARNING.STRATEGIES TO INCLUDE A VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENT TO THE ENGLISH CLASS. A CASE STUDYEstrategias para incluir un estudiante con discapacidad visual a la clase de inglés. Un caso de estudioThesis