Harutyunyan, LiliyaLópez Méndez, Karla Yadira2023-11-252023-11-252022-02-1810584https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/20330This research project presents the description and analysis of Facebook as a supporting tool for reinforcement to acquire vocabulary related to Word formation. The theoretical framework was built on information from primary and secondary sources specifically books, articles, and journals based on experienced authors like Kent and Leaver (2014) describing Facebook as an educational tool; Kieffer and Lesaux (2008) with the importance of morphology; and Schmitt (2014) with the analysis of the affective filter and the acquisition of languages. Additionally, this study involved students of the second baccalaureate of “Liceo los Álamos” high school in Quito. Likewise, the design focuses on a qualitativequantitative method evidenced in two questionnaires, a pre-test and a post-test that were applied to a total population of 12 students. After applying this methodology, it could be determined that English teaching and learning based on Facebook could help students to extend and comprehend new vocabulary in written exercises effectively. Thus, this project becomes an extra resource to let learning be more significant and innovative.enADQUISICIÓN DE SEGUNDO LENGUAJETECNOLOGÍA EDUCATIVARECONOCIMIENTO DE PALABRASESTRATEGIAS DE APRENDIZAJELENGUA INGLESA - ENSEÑANZAREDES SOCIALESWord formation activities on facebook for EFL studentsmasterThesis