Di Patre, Patrizia2023-11-042023-11-042021-080393-245110.1404/101354https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1404/101354https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4426Russell and De Giorgi’s approaches, starting from the logical limitations established by Gödel, appear to be unusually divergent. De Giorgi’s ultra-experimental technique will end up opposing to Russell’s theory of types – paradoxically close to certain Thomistic solutions – a formulation free from scholasticism; similarly, the ambitions of Pythagorean completeness present in Russell are replaced, in De Giorgi’s philosophy, with an adherence to insolubility as a guarantee of transcendence. «God cannot be reduced to the “first self-understanding entityµ». With this judgment of strict scientific observance, and only apparent religious apostasy, De Giorgi is girding to rethink the conditions of mathematical formalism from within.OpenAccessFilosofíaLógica matemáticaIl pensiero filosofico di Ennio De Giorgi