Lopez Estupiñan Boris Paul2023-12-052023-12-052021-04-29ART.022https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/38641Tesis previa obtención del título de Magister en Pedagogía del Inglés como Lengua ExtranjeraTo design a booklet based on a communicative methodology to improve students’ grammatical correctness in the English language teaching-learning process, a quantitative-qualitative research was carried out in the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in Esmeraldas in the year 2020. The methods used were Analysis, Synthesis, Hermeneutics and Descriptive Statistics, with the techniques of test and survey used to make a diagnosis of the students’ most common grammatical mistakes and the teachers’ opinions in relation to the main causes they think contribute to this situation. The results revealed that all students agree that grammar should be taught through communicative activities with teachers in the classroom, since grammar is most often taught in a structural way, not considering social interaction and meaning negotiation, causing frustration and demotivation in the students, they also think that grammar is the most important linguistic component in the development of adequate communicative competence. With the diagnosis made, a booklet based on a communicative methodology to teach grammar was designed, which consisted of some methodological orientations to teachers on how to proceed in each of the stages: presentation, focused practice and communicative practice, with some activities to improve the students’ grammatical accuracy.encorrección gramatical, metodología comunicativa, actividades comunicativas, idioma inglés, folletoBooklet Design Based On A Communicative Methodology To Improve Students’ Grammatical CorrectnessArticle