Zamora Palacios, Janella2023-12-052023-12-052019-08-07 previa obtención del título de Licenciado/a en Lingüística Aplicada mención InglésReading is a fundamental skill that students should develop in the teaching-learning process of English Language. With the purpose to analyze the English Reading skills process in senior students of the first level at “La Inmaculada” High School in Esmeraldas, a descriptive, qualitative-quantitative investigation was done with the use of the methods of analysis, synthesis and hermeneutics. The techniques of observation and survey were applied to seventy students and three English teachers of the referred institution. The methods of analysis and synthesis and statistics, were used with the technique of survey; the readers participated in the different activities according to their level of study; although some of them mentioned that mechanical reading does not attract much their attention. Learners decided to participate and develop this skill through games, presentations, exercises. The results revealed that most of the students do not like to read, they consider that it is boring, it is not interesting, and they confess not to know how to read analytically. The percentages clearly show that students do not like literature, fiction or romantic books; they have their preferences. In addition, the results showed that students read in a limited way; they accept that reading helps them to develop different activities in the use of other skillsen- ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROCESS, READING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF, TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS.DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH READING SKILLS IN STUDENTS OF FIRST LEVEL AT “LA INMACULADA” HIGH SCHOOL IN ESMERALDASThesis