Toro Reina, Valeria Paola2023-12-052023-12-052020-11-17 previa obtención del título de Magister en Pedagogía del Inglés como Lengua ExtranjeraWith the purpose to know the relationship between cultural identity and accent in learners of English as a foreign language, a qualitative-quantitative research was done in the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, in Esmeraldas, from September/2019 to July/2020. The population was formed by 20 students from the Foreign and National Language Pedagogy career corresponding to the first and third level. The methods used were analysis, synthesis and hermeneutics, and the techniques were survey, reading test, and interview. The survey which consisted of a question bank to identify the cultural identity of the students revealed that students’ cultural identity has a big impact on students’ performance when they learn a second language. Besides, reading passages were presented to students and revealed that they had problems concerning speech production due to their natural accent and way of talking. They lacked intonation and practice. Moreover, the interview indicated that effectively there exists a relationship between cultural identity and accent when speaking English, this is why students need to have good pronunciation and accent if they want to be understood.en- RELATIONSHIP; CULTURAL IDENTITY; ACCENT; ENGLISH; FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNERSTHE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CULTURAL IDENTITY AND ACCENT IN LEARNERS OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGELa relación entre identidad cultural y acento de aprendices de inglés como lengua extranjeraThesis