Andrade Quiñónez, Gina Milena2023-12-052023-12-052021-01-08 previa obtención del título de Magister en Pedagogía del Inglés como Lengua ExtranjeraIn order to analyze the influence of error correction on the development of the English -speaking skill in the seventh-grade students at Sagrado Corazon School in Esmeraldas, a descriptive investigation was carried out. To do this research, thirty students of the seventh grade out of ninety and ten teachers out of eleven were selected as samples and target material using the Analysis and Synthesis, and the Hermeneutics methods. In addition, techniques such as an observation and a survey were applied, to the samples mentioned before. The results revealed that error correction has a positive influence on the students taking into consideration they may improve their speaking skill and it may encourage them to communicate meaningful ideas in the target language. This research coincided with several investigations related to the error correction and its influence on the development of the English-speaking skill. That is why, it is concluded that error correction has a considerable influence in the development of the oral ability.en- ERROR, INFLUENCE, CORRECTION, LANGUAGE, SPEAKING, SKILL, STRATEGIESTHE INFLUENCE OF ERROR CORRECTION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING SKILLThesis