Paredes Paredes, Moraima OliviaVinueza Mayorga, Mónica Graciela2024-02-052024-02-052004Paredes Paredes, Moraima Olivia. (2004). A techers' curriculum guide based on the Calla Approach desing for IDSAPEDAC. Monografía (Licenciada en Lingüística) - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Escuela de Lenguas y Lingüística.75066 Leraning vs. Teaching 2.Theoretical framework for the curriculum proposed 3. Introduction 4. Applying the curriculum in IDSAPEDAC 5. Conclusions and recommendationsThe Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) is an instructional model that was developed to meet the academic needs of students learning English in English speaking countries. In our dissertation, we have designed a teacher's guide based on the CALLA approach; which will be applied in a local school, at IDSAPEDAC. As CALLA was originally designed for an English speaking background our aim is to obtain similar results applying in a non-English speaking background this way helping students to achieve a competitive level of English, which will enable them to use the language as a tool for learning other thingsengopenAccessCURRICULUM DE PROFESORESIDIOMASA techers' curriculum guide based on the Calla Approach desing for IDSAPEDACbachelorThesis