Velez Bustos, Natalia Jomayra2023-12-052023-12-052015-08-03Escuela de Lingüística Aplicada Bustos, Natalia Jomayra : "Effects of audio-visual materials on the listening skills directed to students of the ninth year of educación general básica at “Atahualpa” high school in Atacames canton scholl year 2014-2015" ; 64 p. ; Applied Linguistics, Mention Teaching English. 2015The main objective of this thesis report was focused on the effect of audiovisual material on the listening skill of the ninth year of basic education at "Atahualpa" high school in Atacames group "A" and "B". Using Group "A" to see the effect of audio-visual material and group "B" as a control group to compare which of both techniques work better on the students. A total of 75 students from the school "ATAHUALPA" were administered in order to apply a pre- test. After that, one month of audio-visual classes and traditional technique were applied to students and finally a post-test was applied. The pre-test instrument was constructed by the researcher based on “A Class School of English Placement Test B” in order to know the English level of the students. Moreover, the test consisted of 30 items comprised of multiple choice and easy questions. After that, during one moth the group “A” was involved in a class taught by the researcher using the traditional technique as it is known using their English book as a support for each class. On the other hand, the group “B” was used as control group teaching them their classes with audio-visual materials. The same topics were taught to both group “A” and ”B” in order to see the effect of using audio-visual materials and to compare which of both techniques work better on the second language learning. Lastly, the post-test was applied at the end of the month of the classes based on 20 items comprised of multiple choice and easy questions in order to see the student’s English progress. It is necessary to indicate that the implementation of the above mentioned strategy is essential for the development of a significant and interactive learning to the students allowing them to catch an active teaching learning- process.enINTERACTIVE LEARNINGSKILLAUDIOVISUAL MATERIALLISTENEffects of audio-visual materials on the listening skills directed to students of the ninth year of educación general básica at “Atahualpa” high school in Atacames canton scholl year 2014-2015Thesis