Harutyunyan, LiliyaEncalada Neira, Jenny Marisol2023-11-252023-11-252022-08-0112271https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/20325Learning a second language is among the leading factors in modern-day communities that help unite people from different backgrounds (Mehta & Mehta, 2019). Learners with additional needs are likely to express different levels of understanding of the offered context. Based on the complexity of some languages, it is worth noting that there are unique approaches that can assist the learners in quickly understanding the various aspects of the secondary language. Learners' creativity plays a vital role in determining their connection to the second language. Since some languages differ from the primary languages, teachers can create unique ways that may allow the learners to easily connect some aspects of the language and change their attitude towards the respective language. Critical thinking among the learners connects to the ability to make the right decisions for solving some of the problems that may directly affect them (Dolapcioglu & Doğanay, 2022). Based on the different forms of challenges that may influence one's language acquisition, their interaction and connection to the environment are always needed to make the right improvement. Critical thinking allows most learners to critically analyze a specific situation and decide on the most effective approach that may address the individual case and assist in attaining their educational objectives. Although there are several ways that learners can be encouraged to understand the context of a new language, it is worth noting that giving the learners a chance to solve the problems they go through quickly is a meaningful way to realize this objective. This research aims to assess the influence and connection between problem-solving communication in learners struggling with second language acquisition. Through the findings of this study, it will be relatively easy to create unique ways to improve the learners' overall understanding.esPENSAMIENTO CRÍTICOAPRENDIZAJE BASADO EN PROBLEMASMETODOLOGÍA EDUCATIVASOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASEDUCACIÓN COOPERATIVAADQUISICIÓN DE SEGUNDO LENGUAJEProblem-solving speaking activities to develop critical thinking skills in B1 EFL studentsmasterThesis