Heredia Canchingre, Camila Denisse2023-12-052023-12-052021-01-13 previa obtención del título de Magister en Pedagogía del Inglés como Lengua ExtranjeraThe use of inclusive strategies has been the best way in which the English teaching has been able to help disabled students in the development of their knowledge. Regularly, it can be noticed that in most of the institutions around the city there have been some problems for some mild disabled students to internalize the knowledge that teachers share with them during the English class. To be able to elude these problems, an investigation was carried out to plan inclusive strategies to improve the English Language learning of disabled students at “Nelson Ortiz Stefanuto”2 High School in Esmeraldas 2020. A descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative investigation was done with the use of the methods of analysis and synthesis and hermeneutics, and a survey which was applied to the teachers and different authorities from the referred school. The results revealed that the teachers have little knowledge about the use of inclusive strategies, nevertheless, they try to investigate and apply some kinds of strategies to help some of their students. Even when the teacher tries, the students do not demonstrate that they are acquiring the knowledge in a correct way, because the included students are more worried about other subjects than the English one. However, the desire to learn English is always present when the teacher uses different kind of activities during the English classes. So, according to the research, it shows up that it is necessary that teachers use different kinds of activities and strategies to help their students to be able to internalize the English language.en- STRATEGIES, COGNITIVE DISABILITIES, INCLUDED STUDENTS, MILD DISABLED STUDENTS, INCLUSION, INCLUSIVE STRATEGIESINCLUSIVE STRATEGY DESIGN TO IMPROVE MILD COGNITIVE DISABLED STUDENTS’ ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNINGThesis