Dragosavljevich Garzón, Milica MargaritaPortilla Ayala, Oscar Roberto2023-11-252023-11-252021-11-0111016https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/20333The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of teaching English idioms through the use of digital gamification on students who are learning English as a second language at a public school. Sixty students and eight English teachers from the school participated in this research. The students were divided into two groups, a control group and an experimental group with 30 students each. Pre-tests and post-tests were applied to the participants in both study groups. For this descriptive study, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Several scientific instruments were applied to collect data as well as observations and analyses of the recorded classes by the teachers who participated in the study were carried out. After the discussion and analysis of the results, it was possible to conclude that the use of methodologies based on gamification positively impacts the learning of English idioms in students of the public institution. This study suggests that the application of gamification for teaching idioms has favorable results in student learning It was determined that learning methods through digital games motivate both students and teachers, making students acquire and use idiomatic expressions in their everyday language. After concluding the investigation, several recommendations for future studies were raised, mainly concerning a larger sample to obtain reliable results and additional tests at different times after the experimentation. On this basis, observations in-person classes and use combined teaching methods should be used to verify which is the most effective method for teaching English idioms.enLENGUA INGLESA - ENSEÑANZAGAMIFICACIÓNMODISMOSADQUISICIÓN DE SEGUNDO LENGUAJEImplications of teaching english idioms to L2 learners through digital gamification at a public schoolmasterThesis