*Dragosavljevich Garzón, Milica MargaritaReinoso Pinto, Maribel Alexandra2023-11-252023-11-252021-05-269834https://repositorio.puce.edu.ec/handle/123456789/20320Communicative skills have been considered essential when giving and receiving information or establishing effective communication. For this reason, pronunciation has been considered the core of this research using tongue twisters as a strategy to strengthen the skill. Quasiexperimental - explanatory research and qualitative and quantitative methods were applied to collect information to support and validate the study from the student and teacher perspectives. 27 seniors’ students (18 men and 9 women) between the ages of 16 and 17 participated in the research, all native Spanish speakers with a B1 level of English. This research allowed to raise awareness among students and teachers about the importance of proper pronunciation of words in the English language, applying tongue twisters and repetition through active thinking as a strategy. This study was carried out in 8 weeks in the 2020-2021 school year in a private school, the classes were synchronous on Zoom sessions, 4 hours per week. The Instruments that supported the research in a significant way were PRAAT (a computerized software that analyzes speech) and the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). The process included a pre-and postexam. which were compared and analyzed statistically in the Excel program, obtaining important results and discoveries for the project. The tests and materials, as well as the tongue twisters applied in the study, were analyzed according to the needs of the students by the researcher in specific phonemes (minimal pairs) / p /, / b /, / f /, / v / in the lexicon.enLENGUA INGLESA - PRONUNCIACIÓNBACHILLERATO GENERAL UNIFICADO (BGU)COMUNICACIÓN EN LA EDUCACIÓNLEXICOLOGÍATRABALENGUASTongue twisters as a strategy to enhance the pronunciation of lexicon of senior studentsmasterThesis